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A few days had passed, and Spiraea was slowly feeling a bit better. She had only been able to stomach small, bland meals like toast otherwise she would feel ill again.

Vincents worry only grew, however everytime he suggested that she go see the pack doctor, Spiraea would refuse. Her refusal was simply frustrating for him further.

The two had resorted back to sleeping in separate rooms mostly due to Spiraea's embarrassment. She had not known intimacy before, and as much as Vincent had tried to assure her that she had nothing to be ashamed of she still retreated into herself.

Such circumstances meant that neither of them could sleep at all when the night came, especially now that she knew what it felt like to have the other. Even through the discomfort and frustration of sleepless nights, Spiraea still wouldn't give in to the comfort of Vincent's intimacy.

It was only after a full week of Spiraea barely eating and not sleeping that Vincent had reached his breaking point. It hadn't escaped his notice how tired she felt all the time, or that she couldn't do things for very long. So when she practically fainted whilst making lunch, Vincent had enough.

Within minutes he had the barely conscious girl wrapped in a blanket in his arms as he started down the path. He was used walk around the pack; it was better for the environment, and the pack wasn't overly large that walking was a chore. The added benefit of being faster than most meant that, though on foot, he could reach the packs medical centre in a few short minutes.

As soon as he burst through the door, all eyes were on him and the girl in his arms. He had wanted to keep the news of him finding his mate private until she had settled with him.

A woman walked over, clad in a pair of smart slacks, a blouse and a white long coat. Her gaze fell to the rather small, rather human, girl in her Alphas arms. "What is the problem, Alpha?"

"She just fainted. She's been sick for a few days so she's only been eating bland foods." He spoke, his voice a brilliant mask of seriousness, though his furrowed brows gave away his great distress.

"It sounds like a mix of dehydration and malnutrition. I'll have to do a full examination on her but for now we'll have to put her on a drip." The woman spoke, silently thanking the Goddess that she had decided to rebel and study human medicine at university. "She'll have to stay here for a few days, I want to keep her in observation. Am I right in assuming that this is the Luna?"

The woman snapped her fingers, a nearby wolf scurrying away before returning with a bed for the girl. Vincent placed her down as carefully as he could- the doctor, and all those that could see were quite surprised by the gentle display.

His eyes never once left hers, even as he continued to speak. Instead he watched his fingers gingerly stroking the little sprites face.

"Yes. Just do what you must. I want nobody but you to look after her Analise."

The doctor- Analise- nodded in acknowledgement of her Alphas command. She had expected such a reaction, especially since his previous phone call a few days earlier.

"As you wish Alpha." The woman nodded before turning to the wolf who had brought the bed. "Please take her to room number 1 and prepare an IV drip of sodium chloride."

The wolf nodded, wheeling the girl away. A surge filled the Alphas veins with the need to follow her, protect her at all costs- be by her side and never leave her. However, he knew at that moment that the best thing that he could do for was to let Dr Analise do her work.

"When can I see her?" He asks, his tone far more gruff now that she wasn't around. He couldn't seem to help it, it was like the girl was an elixir and when she was gone so we're her calming effects.

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