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Spiraea had woken up earlier than usual, she had tossed an turned for most of the night so that when the sun rose in the morning she was exhausted. She was still more than prepared to get up, but Vincent, who had also been kept awake by her restlessness had other plans. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Go to sleep." He mumbled gruffly, kissing the top of her hair. He nuzzled against her lightly before going back to sleep. Even in his unconscious state his body naturally sought to comfort his girl, his fingers brushing a lazy trail against the skin of her hip where the shirt she had borrowed from Vincent had ridden up.

It was another thing that had become a normal part of her routine- wearing Vincent's clothes. She hadn't owned many possessions of her own when she came from Damien's pack, may of which were in poor condition. With all the commotion with her health that had recently taken place, Vincent hadn't had an opportunity to buy her new clothes like he had previously promised.

After seeing her in his clothes, he wasn't entirely sure he wanted her to get her own clothes. There was something about seeing her in his shirts that pleased the most primal parts of him, his scent would linger on her skin and it made his beast howl in approval from the confines of his mind. Everything about it was sexy to him.

His fingers sent those amazing shock waves through her entire body, and whilst she was slowly getting used to the feeling it never got old. Every time was like the first time he touched her, and she liked that he could calm her, or make her feel good, just from one simple touch.

His fingers continued to stroke a gentle pattern against her skin, the girl sighing in tired content at the connection. It was one of those things that he didn't think about doing, but it sent flutters off in the girls stomach. She took a deep inhale of his scent, the smell of newly fallen rain was a comfort to her so she found herself curling in closer to his warmth and falling back to sleep.

When the couple woke again, it was mid morning, the clock on Vincent's bedside table reading 10:45am. Spiraea had never slept in so much, but after feeling so refreshed from sleeping beside her mate she couldn't find it within herself to feel too guilty.

However, as much as she was enjoying laying beside Vincent she also knew that she could no longer sleep in. Her mind was once more busy with the anxiety of having Vincent's family over for dinner. So she got up and prepared herself for the day.

Once Spiraea got out of bed, Vincent found no more pleasure in laying around and he too got up. They busied themselves, taking showers, getting dressed, brushing teeth and hair- the whole routine was strangely comfortable, the couple moving around each other like they had been doing it for years.

The whole thing struck Spiraea as strange- their routines always did- but she couldn't place a reason as to why. She didn't let the thought trouble her for very long, her main concern was focusing on how the evening would go down. A few of her worries were about meeting Vincent's family- she wondered if they would like her, or perhaps if they would be upset that she was a human. She knew that some werewolves saw humans as lower species and to be mated to one was an abomination- it was that belief that had encouraged her mistreatment in Damien's pack.

But her biggest concern was on the food. She was proud of her cooking and wanted to give her very best. It was obvious to her that this was important to Vincent, and she wanted to make him happy. So, the girl spent a lot of time thinking about food.

Namely the menu she would be preparing for Vincent's family. She was no longer sure if she was worried because they were all werewolves, or because she wanted them to like her, but nonetheless she wanted the evening to go perfectly.

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