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The wedding was a little less than a week away, which gave Spiraea little time to find a dress.

She was still angry at Vincent for not telling her about the wedding, and also for making it seem as though he was obligated to want her. She was also angry at herself because she had absolutely no idea how to bring up how she felt in conversation with him. She didn't want them to argue - it would be their first real argument and she wasn't sure she wanted to be the one to start it. 

Between her distance and closed mind, Vincent could tell that she was upset, though he didn't really know why. He had apologised for not telling her about the wedding, explaining that they had been working through things and he was going to tell her as soon as things calmed down a little bit. 

Vincent had ended up asking Marianne and his mother to assist Spiraea with finding a dress appropriate for the event. The two women had arrived just after breakfast and had ushered the girl out the front door with much haste.

The wedding was to be in a chapel in the human town Wilsden Brooke, and the reception was to be held in Adams pack territory. Adam and Leora had sent an official invitation and stated the dress code as semi formal— they wanted to have thier guest respectful for the church but not too formal for the middle of the woods.

The women had spent a good two and a half hours searching for a dress in the small boutiques within the pack. But Spiraea didn't like the dresses that they had found.

Now that she had grown and put on more weight, her figure had begun to fill out. Her hips were slightly wider her legs were thicker and she had grown a small pudge to her stomach. She had grown a little bit more insecure with all the changes to her body.

In the end Emilia decided that a tailor made dress was probably a better idea. She offered to make the dress herself but Spiraea didn't want to stress the woman out so they agreed to see the packs tailor.

It's was a small shop, run by an elderly woman that the pack called Mama D'Leau and her husband Papa Bois. The building was made out of a rustic raw wood that reminded Spiraea of the homely cabin she shared with Vincent. The plaque above the door read 'Forest Fittings and things', everything about the place just felt so right.

"Afternoon, Afternoon." Papa Bois greeted, his accent thick and heavy. It was the first accent Spiraea had heard, besides her own that sounded particularly foreign.

Everyone she had met had the same proper, English accent when they spoke. Even Emilia, Vincent and Ellis; though they had a slight Italian lilt, it was hidden behind the other accent. It was a breath of fresh air for the girl.

The man was relatively short in comparison to all the others she had met. He stood around 5'11, though he was still very well built despite his evidently older age.

He had minimal wrinkles on his fair skin, and his features were testiment to his heritage elsewhere. His eyes were dark, nose wide, lips covered by his bushy moustache and beard. His hair had gone white, perhaps from age, but it was neatly groomed in dreadlocks that he held back with a headband.

"Mama D'Leau, come and see who we have in the shop!" He called out to his wife and mate, whilst giving the customers a big smile. There was a small string of cursing, and a sound of clattering and shuffling before the woman emerged.

She was just over 5'5, womanly in all the right placed, and just a little plump. Her greying hair fell in braids to her hips and were decorated with charms of snakes, golden beads and ribbons. Her facial features were similar to her husbands, though her eyes were lighter and lips plumper.

The woman took in Spiraeas form with a glint in her eyes before she finally spoke. "Luna, You is from the Caribbean, ent?"

Spiraea nodded, "Dominican Republic."

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