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They had both woken up early, and after laying together and relaxing for a short 20 minutes, Vincent relented that he had to get up.

Spiraea got up with him, they showered, changed and quickly checked in on Max who was still fast asleep in his crib next door.

They crept downstairs quietly, both not wanting to wake anyone and to also spend a little more time together on their own.

Spiraea made them both breakfast— a full English feast as a welcome home, whilst Vincent brewed some coffee and made Spiraea some hot chocolate.

They sat down beside each other at the table in the kitchen, Spiraea crossed her legs so that her feet brushed against his legs, and Vincent kept one hand firmly on the girls thigh.

They chatted quietly, and Spiraea told Vincent all about all the plans she had made with his mother whilst he had been away. Between his satisfied taste buds and the pleasant conversation, Vincent was extremely chipper.

He watched her in content amusement as her excited chatter filled the space. She was telling him about how she, Emilia and Marianne had gone back and forth for hours just trying to choose flowers for the ceremony.

"Emilia suggested red roses, since they were traditional but Marianne insisted on having Spiraea Vanhouettei since well, they were the flowers I was named after." Spiraea explained around a sip of hot chocolate.

"Which did you pick?" Vincent asked conversationally. Whilst genuinely interested, he didn't care much of the answer; anything she picked would be perfect, the most important part was that they would be married in the eyes of the pack.

"Well I liked both ideas but, she couldn't pick one!" Spiraea admitted bashfully. She didn't want to offend either woman and to made sure she didn't, she chose neither. "So I made a suggestion of my own... I suggested moon flowers. That clearing you took me too were full of them and era tan pacífico allí que pensé que sería—"

He loved the way the would spiral into Spanish when she felt her emotions greatly enough.

Vincent laughed at his mates pure sweetness, his hand caressing her face gently as he murmured. "I love you."

He was wrong, he did care about her answer because it proved to him once again why he had fallen irrevocably in love with her.

"I love you too," She chirped with a smile before suddenly growing coy. "You don't mind about the flowers right? We've got another couple of weeks we still have time to tell you mother to change it to the roses."

"Relax little one, it's perfect." He placed a kiss to her lips, tender and passionate. He had every intention of deepening it, but was stopped when three more people entered the kitchen.

Emilia was dressed in her pyjamas with Max on her hip fussing quietly. Sean was fully dressed in a pair of dark slacks and a light button up shirt, he placed a kiss to his wife's lips before going over to fix them both a coffee.

At the sight of their son, now awake and fussy, Spiraea went over and took him from Emilia to comfort him. Meanwhile the other woman in question fixed him a bottle and tested it against her forearm. Once it was ready, she handed it over to Spiraea who reclaimed her seat only this time to feed her son.

"We've got plenty to get done today, son." Sean leaned against the counter taking a gulp from his mug of bitter, black coffee.

"Yeah, I want to get Seth and Orion settled in first. Once that's out the way, I'll deal with everything else." Vincent nodded to his father, "thank you for helping me out today, I really appreciate it pops."

With Hands to Hold | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon