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6: Cheerio! Thank you!

As my brother leaves the school with my bully I felt betrayed I looked at him with anger as he ignores me. I grit my teeth as their car gets out of my gaze,

"You Idiot! I hate you!" I yelled.

I've never told my brither about my bully but, the fact that he ignored me made me so angry!
To be honest, I didnt want to go home anymore. That would be the last place I'd even go! Even if he was'nt there I just couldnt stay there! Well.. Not today atleast...

So I went to the convience store and bought some snacks and candy from the money I got from selling the photos.

I picked up icecream, cookies, drinks and junkfood until I suddenly found my favourite flavour of chips.

To see another hand touching it. I looked at the person beside me and saw a pair of blue eyes.

"Oh you wanted these too?" I asked trying to bring up a conversation.

The blue eyed figure looks suprised as they questioned,"Do you not know me?"

"Im sorry.. I dont.. Im not really in a good mood right now so I cant really recognize people in such a state." I said guiltily.

This factwas completely true, whenever Im sad I would end up not realizing who the people around me were.

The figure looks at me in pity,"What happened? Do you want to talk about it?"

"I-its nothing" I smiled fakely," So want to share these chips then?"

He looked sadly but smiled,"Sure, but you seem sad. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Do I look that bad?" I sigh.

The figure nodded,"I know a park nearby if you.."

"Sure." Without a second thought I followed a stranger. Yeah, I could kidnapped but, my senses were'nt even alive.


We sat down at the bench as I take out the snacks and share it with the person.

"So why are you so sad?" He asks softly

"Well.. I had a fight with my brother.." I said as my eyes start to bawl.

"H-he had a girlfriend.. And that girlfriend was my bully.." I said stuffing myself with snacks as I cried.

"Shh.. Dont cry.. He's probably just that person. Ive had this happen once too and Its better to just avoid him.."

"T-Thanks.." I smiled. I leaned on him as I closed my eyes.


"H-huh.. Where am I? Where is this place..?" I looked around to see a what looks like a 5 star hotel since it looks so fancy.

Also, Im a middle schooler that  so Im sure I DID NOT lost my virginity and this person could have been a girl too since their voiced could actually pass as a girl or boy.

I sighed and woke up from bed to see a bag full almost five bags of Snacks and one vanilla cake on the table that read,

"Its okay. Tell me your troubles, you can rely on me."

Then a paper a phone number on it.

I suddenly remembered yesterday that someone was comforting me. Sadly I forgot what they looked like but that doesnt really matter. But what matters is that..


This person must be loaded! I guess its just snacks.. Not that expensive but, five bags!

I checked them all and one had clothes in a another bag. It was a turtle neck sweater with jeans. This person seems so fashionable. They must be a model! So it is a girl! Well, guys can be models but, what guy could be so fashionable with girl clothes?

I smiled and looked at my current school uniform which was drenched in tears.

Today is wednesday but who cares? It's the third day of school but give me a break I dont want to see that jerk of a brother ever again..

I sighed as I shower in the hotel and wore my clothes which were really comfy! I put it on and made my hair dry then used the hotel's hair brush.


I sighed as I look at my phone. I dont even know what to do it was still 7 in the morning and school doesnt start till 8 but, I did'nt really feel like going to school at all. I called Sophie as she pick up my call,"Ria? Why are you calling?"

"Hey so I'm skipping school today. Could you tell the tea-" I ask

"Skip together?" she giggles

"Huh..? Oh um sure..?" I said unsurely.

And then this happened. Im in a dressing room trying atleast twenty outfits by now and my legs were starting to hurt. Alot.

And this was the last outfit which was a cute off-the shoulder pink dress with white unique designs on the sleeves and bottom part of the dress. It was cute but It wasnt that comfortable.

"Cant we please take a break Soph?" I asked.

"Well.. I guess we could eat some food for a bit," Sophie replied.

I fistpumped myself and then we both walked to some restaurant which was fancy but thankfully, the dishes were not as expensive as I thought.

We both ordered our meals and Sophie decides to go to the bathroom as I went to my phone and suddenly remembered about today and that number.

I decide to text her.

Me: Hey. Thank you for yesterday Im really thankful to you..

Before I could close my phone they replies.

him: Oh no problem! Im glad you're doing okay now. If you ever feel sad just talk to me, okay?

Me: Thank you.??

him: Please call me Cheerio.

Me: Cheerio?

Him: Its close to my name! Besides We are the same age so, whats so wrong with calling me, Cheerio?

Me: Same age?! What?!

Him: I actually wore my school uniform yesterday.. Did you not  notice? 😂

Me: What wha-- Do you go to my school?!

Him: Whta do you think? Ria?~

That means this person knows me!- So she does go to my school! I cant believe this kid who I thought was some grandpa was actually a kid my age! And Cheerio? Such an adorable name. .

I look away from my phone then thought for a while as the waiter suddenly appears with the food along with Sophie playing her phone as usual.

We then ate for some time then continued our shopping as I still think about who would this mysterious person be...

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