2 • you are trying to, but cannot fix

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fun fact: i actually switched fame and patient's plot around so originally it was fame for chensung and patient for markhyuck but uh yeah this happened.


The cold breeze stabbed through Chenle, pulsating through his veins as he attempted to wrap the warmth of his coat tighter around him. He despised the cold, always found it unnecessary in his opinion.

The air in Busan was not any better than anywhere else in South Korea, and although the knew it was bad for him, the chinese boy couldn't help but leave his face mask off. It was always a habit to breathe in the fresh air from where he came from in China, a countryside but ever since he'd seen the big cities in east asia, he'd been taught about the toxic air.

Did he listen? No.

It was times like this when Chenle appreciated his life. After working with so many people with so many problems, he'd never properly realised how lucky he was to live a happy, normal life with a smart brain and healthy body. He'd always think, when you have it, you take advantage of it, but when you don't, you struggle.

He felt that he was lucky to see different people and to hear their problems. It was always rewarding to see how his advice could change hundred's of people's lives. There had been many situations in which deemed highly difficult, although Chenle's mindset was clear: if a fully capable body has been gifted to you, it would be rude to return the gift. It worked every time.

It took him a few moments to unravel himself from the mind-twisting thoughts tangled up inside of his brain to realise that he'd indeed walked quite far. Definitely out of the estate area but it wouldn't be too difficult to get back if nothing occurred along-

The frigid stone floor came in contact with Chenle's torso as he unfortunately tripped over a rock. It wasn't the most comfortable position to be in, honestly.

"Ouch," the boy muttered to himself, sitting up and rubbing quickly at the bruise to relieve the pain as much as possible.

Soon after, the chinese heard a few footsteps approach from behind himself, and just stop roughly an inch from where he was situated. Feeling the presence, he slowly turned his head to be met with a pair of legs.

The person simply stood there, not doing anything other than staring at the boy.

"Excuse me?" Chenle asked after brushing off and looking up.

The expression was something he could distinct easily. But it was definitely a rare one to be seen in person. Not the actual face, but the expression that the smaller could read as if it was off of a book.

Scanning the face, he could detect: discomfort, desire, pain and something that he could
only confirm later. If there even would be a later with this face.

"Hello," The boy deadpanned above him. He made no move to help Chenle, nor to converse with him, even which clearly left the chinese to get up himself; it was quite awkward if anything.

The last plan for Chenle's quick 'outing' was just to go back to the building and continue his next appointments. It would have been an easy walk if the boy was not standing directly infront of the smaller.

Just as he was about to push past the tall, quiet person, his eyes landed on something small, black handle item that jutted out of the side of Jisung.

What was it? What made him immensely irritated was that he could just about imagine the rest of the shape of the object, although it just wasn't coming to him. His eyes scanned the rest of the boy, who stood unbothered. His eyes looked as if all the life had been sucked from it, and his skin so pale.

He didn't know what really urged him to say it, but watching this person, he couldn't help it.

"Why are you not wearing a coat? You will catch a temperature," Chenle mumbled, seeing the goosebumps come up from his bare arms, and for a split second, he saw the taller's forehead crease, as if in confusion.

"Why aren't you should be in school?" he retorted. The boy looked younger than himself, even so what was he doing out?

"Surfing is an interesting sport."

Jisung narrowed his eyes. "What?"

"You didn't answer my question, so I didn't answer yours," Chenle shrugged, rocking on his heels.

The younger gritted his teeth. He didn't like being treated like this, where the other wouldn't recognise the dominancy and authority in the situation. It was things like this which made him mad. He was feared, not fearful and it would stay that way.

"Who do you think you are?!" He yelled, swinging his arm back quickly and pushing it forwards to knock a punch in.

Chenle scoffed, catching the boy mid-fist with a singular hand.

"I'm not doing anything to you," he replied calmly, analysing the quick breath movements and twitching eye.

All he could think about at the moment was that this boy was in danger.

For being himself- whether it was a cruel thought, but society was cruel. He needed help.

The fact that Chenle caught his fist only heightened his anger. He could feel his power being consumed, and he was not liking it one bit.

"Calm down," Was all the chinese muttered before turning away.

"How was your walk?"

Chenle took his coat off, hung it up on the hook in the meeting room and sighed. He felt as if he would be meeting this boy again, but really, he wanted to help him more than anything.

"Interesting." Was all he replied, sitting down on the couch.

His co-worker raised an eyebrow.

"You're not usually this tense."

"Honestly, Doyoung, I don't know either I'm just a bit too hyper at the moment," he murmured, sipping from his juice box.

Doyoung laughed. "You know, even if you're a doctor, you can still be your age."

Chenle scrunched his nose up. "It's hard to when you work with this stuff."

"Then you should take your mind off it and go out more often!"

"I will do, thank you hyung," Chenle grinned.

Although the image of the boy never really left his mind.

patient • chensung Where stories live. Discover now