7 • i thought i knew you well

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happy jisung day!! our baby's turning into an adult- fuck i'm nearly one too! here's a hint: i share the same birthday as jeongin, just a year younger 🤩


The following morning, Chenle awoke with his eyelids not so dark anymore, as they had seemed when he had fallen asleep; he was also shivering quite a lot.

He forced an eye open, blinking a few times to readjust to the new light settings. He was in his bed, under the blankets with the curtains fully open, windows pushed out completely.

He shuddered, another gust of winter wind stabbing him through the chest.

That's strange. He thought. He could've sworn that the windows were shut and locked last night, and he'd made sure to close the curtains completely.

"You're awake."

Chenle jolted at the sudden voice and jumped nearer to the side of the bed slightly. He snapped his neck to the side in shock, and when he saw the owner of the voice, he was even more stunned.

"Mr. Park?"

Jisung was quite close, next to him with one leg bent and one completely straight, sitting up against the headboard of his bed. His fingers were playing with something shiny, but at his perspective, he couldn't really tell what it was.

He grinned. "Chenle. Good morning."

The chinese was still bewildered at the situation. "I wouldn't want to be rude at all, however, I think it should be justified. What on earth are you doing here?"

Jisung hung his head. "I got a little too stressed, and you told me that I could come to you instead of harming myself, right?"

Chenle furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, but then uncreased them immediately as his eyes darted down.

It was safe to say that his white bedsheets were not so white anymore.

His forearm had a beautifully sculpted rose, but in Chenle's eyes, it was horrifying.

He couldn't say that, though.

"Right. I'm sorry you felt stressed and I wish your stress away. How are you feeling now?"

Jisung's smile returned.

When the boy wasn't so paranoid, Chenle found him to be cute and quite an attractive male; his smile was endearing, his eyes forming crescents as he did so, his lips a beautiful pink and eyes a delicious chocolate brown, pink-brown hair completing the look effortlessly.

This was one of those times.

"I'm feeling much better, actually. I've been meaning to ask you something, also."

Chenle tilted his head in curiosity and Jisung swore it was the most adorable thing he'd seen in his life.

"Of course," the chinese responded.

Jisung looked down at his hands before clapping them together once and looking back up. "Will I be able to go out?"

The boy could see the hesitation in his doctor's eyes.

He couldn't really see the depth in it though,
not yet.

"I- I don't think you can do that yet. It's not entirely safe for you to be out there-"

It was a wrong move. Jisung's kind persona dropped instantly and his delicious chocolatey eyes were now cold, hard beads.

Before Chenle could process anything, he was pushed down, flat onto the bed with two strong, vice-grip hands on the sides of his upper-torso, legs straddling his waist.

"Sorry?" Jisung asked. "I didn't quite catch that," he hissed, leaning down to the older's ear.

"I never, ever get told no," he whispered down the boy's neck, causing goosebumps to rise in the absence of his cold breath- his voices lowering an octave at the 'no'.

Chenle had enough. He wrapped his legs around the taller's torso and flipped them with all his strength, pinning the other to the bed this time but accidentally transferring some dry blood onto the latter's shirt.

He could sense how he caught Jisung off-guard at the action.

"You just did, Mr. Park. If you ask for favours from myself, I'd appreciate your understanding in return."

Jisung scoffed, looking up at Chenle.

"I couldn't care less."

The chinese hitched an eyebrow.

"Oh, I think you do."

With that, Chenle swung his leg back, getting off the younger gracefully.

For a moment, there was silence, but not for long at all. From the corner of the doctor's eye, he could see the tense posture of Jisung visibly relax, shoulders hitting the mattress and his fists unclenching.

It wasn't long before he rolled to his side, facing Chenle.

"I'm sorry about my actions. I didn't mean to threaten you."

Chenle smiled and nodded. "It's fine. Try to control yourself Jisung, I know it's hard but we have to work on this."

The younger boy nodded, and hopped off the bed. "Thank you," he bowed and turned for the door.

"Wait!" Chenle called out.

Jisung spun back on his heel, ears perking at the mention of his name.


Chenle took a deep breath in, as if in thought. He then exhaled and slipped from the bed quietly as well, fixing the sheets quickly.

"Be ready by 7pm. Wear warm clothes and bring anything you need. I'll be there by then and we can go."

For a moment, Jisung just stood there, and as if something lit inside of him, his face brightened, mouth breaking out into a smile and his eyes sparkling.

"Really?" he asked in disbelief. Chenle nodded, equally enthusiastically.

"Really," he said.

Jisung attempted to contain his excitement and bowed again once more. "Thank you," he murmured, grinning from ear to ear before his sprinted out, a hop in his steps.

Chenle just wished that he wouldn't regret this decision.


small chapter ): i wanna get to the good stuff! new updates coming soon 💜💜

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