14 • half of me

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to clarify 2 things!

no, chenle is not aware of jisung being abandoned, that was a flashback and he never told chenle about it which is why chenle is now beginning to piece things together.

also, the park that they visit often is not the same one he was actually abandoned at, obviously. the 'familiarity' is just through trauma- he feels like it's the same because it's the same situation he was in, not place.



Jisung's bed was empty.

Earlier in the morning, Chenle felt a strange feeling in his gut that something had occurred. His worries only multiplied when he realised that Jisung wasn't the one to wake him up as he usually did- generally speaking, it should've been the other way round as a stranger sitting on your bed shouldn't be considered a norm- so he shot up and out of bed immediately. 

At first, the rational part of his mind took this as a healing process, that his patient was showing small signs of recovering and didn't need to be with Chenle all the time. However, the irrational mind began to panic.

Noting Jisung's symptoms and previous analyses, his rational thoughts couldn't be correct. He quickly dressed in a large button-down shirt and some wide-leg trousers paired with fluffy slippers before racing out of the door. He headed right down the stairs, the directions to the boy's room being muscle memory at this point, and flung the door open.

His suspicions were confirmed.

"Jisung?" He called out, in case the boy was hiding like he'd done in the past. No reply.

He did a quick skim through the room; the bed was made, everything was clean like it usually was with nothing out of place.

His stomach churned as he thought of every possible situation the boy could be in, mind racing to think of something, anything, that could be done to find him yet nothing came-

"Pikachu!" He exclaimed.

Chenle hurried around the room, trying to find the small plush. He lifted the covers off the bed, checked on the circular bedside table and underneath it with no plush in sight.

Of course, Jisung stated before that he'd never let the thing alone, so wherever Pikachu was, Jisung would be as well.

The doctor picked up his work phone and buzzed for his colleague.

"Jun?" He called into the speaker. When given a reply, he asked whether the latter had let Jisung out.

"Yeah..? He said you allowed him last night?"

Chenle squeezed his eyes shut in frustration. "Thanks!"


The younger put the phone down, knowing where he'd find the boy.

"You're so cute," Jisung sang as he pushed the swing back and forth happily.

He'd been with the plush for hours now, never once leaving its side for even a moment.

"You're so cute, ji!"

Jisung beamed at the praise, eyes smiling as he looked up at his mother who adoringly stroked his silky bangs out of his face. His father cooed as well, blowing raspberries onto the young boy's stomach playfully.

patient • chensung Where stories live. Discover now