4 • they see demons

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Chenle crouched down immediately, currently unaware of the fact that he'd seen this face merely twenty-four hours ago.

His eyes darted over the boy as he read his posture, temperature, stance, and felt his lower neck.

He noticed the change in breathing. Usually, when one were to inhale, it would be noticeably different to an exhale. His throat would suck in, his skin following and luckily, since the boy was thin already, he could tell.

And there was a major difference. It was to the point that Chenle could barely tell whether the breath was an inhale or exhale- his temperature was rising, and his posture was tense. As he examined the outside of his throat more, he could tell that it was now getting serious. The last thing the chinese did before pulling him up was take his cold hand and press it against his stomach, quite a sensitive part of the human body when touched.

No response.

He lifted the back of the young boy's knee up and knocked against it, hoping for any response.


He was deeply unconscious, and that was concerning.

Chenle slid an under the boy's knees and another under the small of his back, a safe position which let his air pipes free, as putting him on his back could be a risk of blocking his oesophagus.

"Fuck," Chenle grumbled. "You're quite heavy."


A strong light was shining in through his closed eyelids.

"It's harder for him to let it out when he's unconscious, dumbass!"

"Yeah, but what if he doesn't regain consciousness for a while huh?"

"Are you fucking stupid? His breath rate is already getting back to normal!"

"Okay but Chenle-"

"He could choke if you tried forcing it out of him and he'd die!"

Jisung winced at the sudden noise blaring through his ears, and the new light as he opened his eyes.

"He's awake!"

"No shit sherlock," Chenle rolled his eyes, going to the boy's side.

"I know you just awoke, but I need you to come with me now."

For some reason, Jisung couldn't use his voice yet, but he felt himself getting lifted off the bed, and turned to an open sink.

He couldn't move properly either.

The person who lifted him, eased his back in circles really slowly, and Jisung wondered how going so slowly would help. He then felt the boy's strong hand trail uo is spine, pressing harder until he reached the top, almost punching it but softly with as much pressure.

The next thing he knew, he was throwing up all over the sink.

"Thank god."

The black spots than often clouded Jisung's vision slowly faded away, feeling lighter, and more free than he would usually feel. At the moment, he still couldn't get his vocal cords to work, nor his own body but all he felt were the same familiar hands guide him to the bed he was resting on before.


Chenle sat beside him, and finally saw the boy with eyes wide open. A bit too wide. But now, with the eyes, the boy remembered the resemblance and why he felt that the boy was familiar.

"Didn't I see you yesterday?" he asked again.

Jisung's eyes were still widened. Not out of shock, but merely the high feeling of his situation. He could roughly make out the familiarity too, and remembered that it was the boy that angered him not too long ago.

"Why are you here," he scowled.

"The first thing you ask is why I am here after I saved your life?" Chenle asked in disbelief. The other nurse had just left, so he was free to discuss anything.

"I didn't want to be saved."

Chenle's eyes softened.

Jisung laughed deviously.
"Why? You're asking me why?"

His laughter boomed through the pale walls of the room, shaking some of the white flowers hung from the ceiling. His colourless lips morphed into a devilish grin, slender hands coming up to grasp his hair tightly.

Chenle simply observed his demeanour.

The taller stopped abruptly, coming down to clasp his hands against each other calmly.

But his posture proved anything but calm.

His eyebrow twitched as his lips turned down again, a scowl on his face.

"That's none of your fucking business."

It amused Chenle, because it really was his business, as a therapist and doctor, but fair enough, he hadn't been assigned to a hospital. 

Jisung's eyes stared straight into Chenle's. The doctor would've thought they'd hold judgement, sadness, anger or maybe even fear; in reality, it was practically the opposite. Jisung held no emotion in his eyes and it surprised the latter. Actors could train for decades, but very few could achieve the look. People with depression held somewhat of emotion, but Jisung was different. His eyes were matted, and if you were to look in them, you'd only see the reflection of yourself staring back at you.

"Whether you like it or not, I saved you, and I'd like to know what caused you the urge to take an overdose of pills."

His face was blank, but had an eyebrow raised.

"How did you know it was pills."

He had a point, it could've been anything really and unless you were to look down there, check his throat or scan an x-ray, one wouldn't have been able to see what it could be.

"Your pupils, dilated. Your stance. The last time I met you, your back was completely straight, as if someone had stuck something up there to keep it upright, and from your shoulders, it has been like that for years. Now your back is arched, a side effect for taking such. Your vision is clouded and your voice is slurred."

A few claps echoed around the room. Ones that would hold authority, danger even.

"I see you've done you research," he grinned.

As his hands went down, the boy's face fell with them.

"What are you trying to achieve."

It was still new to him, to Chenle. The chinese usually worked with people suffering from anxiety, depression, anorexia.

There'd only been a few maniacal people here and there, but Jisung was certainly different.


And with that, Chenle stood up and left the room in a few quick strides, the door swinging back in his absence with a gust of wind following.

patient • chensung Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora