5 • i see angels

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"He's been registered."

Chenle jumped slightly at the sudden presence in his office.


Xiaojun swallowed before taking the document he was carrying, out of the folder. "Park Jisung,  seventeen years old. Unwanted by parents, suffering from paranoia and bipolarity. Current relationships concerning friends and family are unknown."

The younger chinese pushed the pair of glasses on his nose up with a curved finger, taking the documents from his co-worker.

"He simply was abandoned?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

Xiaojun bit his lip. "So far, yes. He does a few marks on his back and rib cage, some on his arms as well, though we cannot assume that he was abused yet. For all we know, it could've been himself until we get answers."

Chenle nodded, absorbing the information and scanned the document further.

"He's my patient?"

The older nodded. "Yes. You are the only doctor in the community building here who has studied these conditions- none of us have and.. He'll be staying in the top floor."

The blonde closed his eyes, leaning back in his chair as he exhaled. "Alright. Is he awake?"

Xiaojun squinted. "Mostly, still some side effects from the overdose causing drowsiness, but otherwise, yes. He is conscious."

Hearing that, Chenle rose to his feet, smiling at the older. "Thank you, Jun. I appreciate how you help me."

The said boy grinned back. "You should act your age sometimes yeah, no harm in living your life," he responded, pulling the younger in for a hug.

"I can't seem to help it, but I do enjoy what I do, don't worry," the latter laughed, squeezing him quickly before he let go.

"Good," Xiaojun smiled, watching his friend leave the room, his blonde hair falling into his eyes.

Chenle disliked the top floor.

Not because of the actual conditions of people who were sent up there, but more of the feeling. It didn't have lively walls like the rest of the building, more so bleak than anything. It simply dampened his mood- the chinese was a pretty happy person generally, and didn't enjoy when negativity spilled into his life. He tried to keep it out as much as possible, which is a reason as to why he chose this job. If he made other people happy, he'd be too.

After a few minutes of prospering the steep stairs, leading up to the undesirable floor, Chenle sighed, walking to the door number listed on his sheet.

There were only three rooms for this certain condition, and to say the doctor was glad would be an understatement. The rooms held things he wouldn't want to see, let alone use; however being a doctor, there was a time and place for everything.

With that said, Chenle raised his fist and knocked on the door.

The first step to unravelling ones dilemmas, was to gain the individual's trust and assurance.

"Can I come in?" He asked, now lowering his hands.

A short grumble was heard from the other side, which Chenle presumed to be a 'fine'. It was enough, so he pushed the oakwood door open and stepped in, closing it behind him as it settled with a soft click.

Jisung was upright, his purple hair sticking out in all different directions, blank eyes focused on the air in-front of him, narrowed. His hands were jolting at his sides and the bedsheets half hanging off the bed.

"Park Jisung?"

"Shh, he's telling me a story, listen."

It was quiet. An eery quiet as Chenle observed Jisung watching the air in front  of him intently. After a while, he let out a small giggle, hands reaching out as if to ruffle someone's hair.

But nobody was there.

"That's rude, don't ignore him when he's asking you a question."

He would be lying if he said he wasn't slightly afraid at the moment. He had only read about children seeing things, and to witness it all ahead of him.. It was intriguing yet terrifying all at the same time. 

"Pardon my poor manners please, what did he say?"

Jisung smiled to the air again, nodding.

"He said it's okay. He's asking why you're here."

Chenle snapped back to reality. He was here to get some answers, see the symptoms and write them all down, then discuss with the boy.

"I'm here to ask you a few questions."

What he didn't expect, was for Jisung's demeanour to completely switch.

The invisible boy was long gone.

"You're trying to get answers out of me aren't you. You're here to use me as some experiment and say shit like 'you'll get better' and 'it'll be fine' aren't you. You're here to make me suffer, aren't you," he hissed, backing up to the headboard of the bed. His stance had suddenly tightened up, back rigid with his eyes like stone.

"I'm not going to do anything to you, I won't even touch you, alright?"

And it was just the blink of the chinese's eye for Jisung to be out of the bed.

"Ji-" he began, but cut himself off when he felt a hand being wrapped around his throat.

"But I never said that I wouldn't touch you, pretty boy."

Chenle choked out a cough. "Let go," he began, throat tightening. "I don't want to force anything out of you."

Jisung hissed again and moved away from the boy.

"You better not," he deadpanned, gliding to the other side of the room. "I'm not telling you anything."

Chenle sighed, feeling his throat expand back to regular size, and coughed a bit more.

"As you wish, but you've been assigned to me, so you'll be seeing a lot of me now, understand?"

Jisung didn't bother hiding his deep scowl.

"Why do you fucking care. I want to die. I want to end my life so why won't you fucking let me. I'm unwanted, I'm disgusting and I'm different from what society expects from everyone. I've had it. I've fucking had it!" he roars, collapsing onto the bed, gripping the sheets with a vice grip.  

Chenle takes two strides to the bed, and pulls a chair beside it.

"He is a gentleman, and I am a gentleman's daughter. So far we are equal."

Jisung's eyebrow twitched.
"I'm not in the mood for your sappy poetry, just stop trying."

The blonde brushed his hair back. "You aren't different. Being on this earth is a privilege, not a right," Chenle continued.

"You just need to learn to accept it."

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