Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Good morning, class and welcome to Introduction of Anatomy and Physiology." An older man with rounded glasses said, pressing them back on to the bridge of his nose as he clicked a few buttons on the computer mouse.

As Stella sat through her different classes, Harry was busy at the studio. Or at least he wished he was busy at the studio.

"I can't come up with shit." He groaned, running his hands down his face in an attempt to wake himself up.

"You're telling me." Jeff rolled his eyes in annoyance of his client's inability to perform well at his job.

"Ah shush, Jeff." Tom chimed in, tired of hearing the man complain about every little thing.

"Did you bring back the contract that your roommate signed?" Jeff ignored Tom's comment.

"She has a name," Harry pointed out. "And no, Stella didn't even sign it." Harry said, not bothering to look at Jeff. Instead, he focused his attention on his guitar, trying to come up with some chords that would fit together.

"What do you mean she didn't sign it?" Jeff asked, knitting his eyebrows together and cocking his head out to be dramatic.

"I threw it away." Harry said, still not being fazed by Jeff who looked like a teapot about to erupt with all the steam coming off of him.

"What the hell, Harry?" Jeff angrily asked, waiting for some sensible answer.

"I trust Stella and don't want to make her sign something stupid like that contract." Harry explained the reasoning behind his action.

"She could easily go to the press and start rumors about you. All it takes is one bad rumor to end your career." Jeff shook his head in frustration, wishing Harry would understand where he was coming from.

"She won't." Is all Harry said.

"You just met the girl. You don't know what she'll do." He fought back.

"I trust her." He calmy replied, the words sounding so strange to him. It wasn't normal to meet someone and trust them so quickly. Not at this stage in his life.

"Just don't show her any of your songs. We don't need her leaking anything," He said, waiting for Harry to respond but after a few seconds of silence went by, he once again filled up the white noise. "I'm gonna go grab food. I'll be back in an hour and when I am, I want something, anything." He practically begged Harry before walking away, slamming the front door on his way out.

"He can be a real douche sometimes." Tom stared at where the man once stood.

"Tell me about it." Harry agreed.

Now that Jeff had gone, it was just Tom and Harry left together. Mitch was out of town for the day to visit Sarah and then Sammy was sick.

"So how are you doing, mate?" Tom asked, not really being able to catch up with his friend since the whole breakup and songwriting process.

"I'm fine." Harry shrugged.

"Fine my arse. Come on, it's just you and me here." Tom said, wanting Harry to open up to him.

"What do you want me to say, Tom? That I've gotten over the heartbreak phase and now I'm just sitting in numbness, feeling empty inside? I am dying for some type of emotion, even if it's one that hurts like hell. I just want to get back to who I was when I was with Camille. I want to stop feeling like I fucked everything up and I want to get over her. I want to be myself again. Is that what you wanted me to say?" Harry asked, lashing out on his friend who simply wanted to help him through the healing process.

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