Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Stella and Harry ended up spending the night at the studio and planned on staying until Monday night because Stella had class again on Tuesday. They had spent half the day writing a song called A Modern Life, dedicating it to what Harry sometimes wish he had. It was now late Saturday afternoon and they were making pasta, per Tom's request. Harry has raved about her pasta which made Tom really want it. Stella had Harry helping her with the sauce as the pasta was boiling.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but have either of you checked Twitter recently?" Tom popped his head into the kitchen.

"No. How come?" Harry asked.

"Uh, I'd look if I were you two. Also, smells great!" He said before leaving the room again.

"You wanna check it while I finish up the sauce?" Stella asked him.

"Sure," He said, pulling out his phone and heading to Twitter. "Shit." He mumbled which earned Stella's attention.

"What?" She asked, looking over at him as she continued to cook.

"Look." He handed her his phone that had an article pulled up.

The article contained several photos of him and Stella as well as his ex-girlfriend, Camille and her new boyfriend, titled "Harry's new girl versus Camille's new guy."

"Harry's new girl is unknown whereas Camille's boyfriend, Theo Niarchos, is quite well known for being a millionaire art dealer. Seems that Camille has remained on her level while Harry has lowered his. Did Camille end up breaking him? No one even knows how the relationship ended between the two. However, an inside source has told us that Camille broke up with Harry for Theo." Stella read a bit of the article.

"Careful of the sauce." Harry said as he looked at the pan, afraid for the sauce to burn or be spun out and on the floor.

"That is ridiculous." Stella brought her attention back to the kitchen and stirred up the sauce, lowering the heat.

"I know." Harry frustratedly replied but knew the reality of the situation. Whether he said something or not, it was out there now and people were going to talk.

"How did they even get that one photo of us? I didn't see any paparazzi while we were at Beachwood yesterday." She said as she zoomed in on the photo of them in front of the door of the Beachwood Cafe.

"I didn't either but they're sly sometimes." He told her.

"Clearly." She shook her head.

"I'm sorry." He told her.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. If anything, I'm sorry for how the paparazzi and press just disrespect you like that." She said, taking the noodles out and putting them in a strainer.

"I'm used to it so I don't mind but I hate that they spoke about you like that."

"It's okay. It was going to happen at some point." She looked at him with a faint smile, trying to brighten up his mood.

"It smells so good!" You could hear Mitch yell from across the studio.

"Thanks!" Stella shouted back, a laugh escaping her lips.

"I can clear things up." Harry said.

"No, don't bother. It's just a hassle. Let people talk." She shrugged, not worried about it.

"I just don't want people thinking that you're any less than what you are." He told her, the two now getting closer to one another.

"Thank you, Harry but I truly don't mind. People talk no matter what. Plus, this will all blow over eventually." She smiled at him, finding herself closing up the gap in between them.

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