Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"What should I make for dinner tonight?" Stella asked, looking over at Harry to try and see what he was feeling.

"You've got some Italian in you, right?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, my dad's side of the family. Why?" She said, a bit curious as to why he was asking.

"In that case, you should make pasta." Harry said, pushing his sunglasses a little closer to his face. He was still wearing them as an attempt to disguise himself. Stella was starting to pick up on the fact that his idea of a disguise consisted of sunglasses or a hat, occasionally he'd throw on a tote bag too. Sometimes a combination of all three.

"Who said I know how to?" She retorted.

"All Italians know how to make pasta." He said so matter-of-factly.

"What?" She laughed at him.

"At least that's what I thought. I don't know." He laughed along with her.

"Okay, but on one condition." Stella had an idea pop into her brain.

"What's that?" Harry asked as they continued to walk down the aisle of the grocery store together.

"You have to help me." She finished up the proposal.

"Done. In fact, that sounds like fun. Now let's grab the ingredients." Harry said, walking away from Stella and turning into the aisle that contained pasta noodles.

"Oh no. If we're making pasta, we're doing it right." She told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Homemade. We're going to make everything from scratch. That's the Italian way." She informed him.

"You always make your own noodles and everything?" He continued to ask, genuinely interested.

"My Nona would probably die, again, if I bought noodles from a box. She was always a stickler for fresh noodles. I can't do it any other way." She said.

"Looks like I've signed myself up for more than I thought." He said, thinking about all the work he'd now have to do.

"Here, just grab what's on this list and meet me up at the front once you're done." She instructed him, handing him a sticky note with five different things on it.

"Okay." He said, walking to find the ingredients.

Soon enough, Harry was done and so was Stella. The two found each other up at the front and checked out, Harry buying everything despite Stella telling him not to. In fact, she was just about to hand the woman her card when Harry slapped it out of Stella's hand and gave the woman his instead.

"Harry!" Stella frustratedly sighed as she bent down to pick up her card.

"I already told you that I was paying." He shrugged.

"I call dibs on paying next time." She called out.

"We'll see about that," Harry said before turning back to the woman who was handing him his card. "Thank you." He smiled at her.

They grabbed the bags and walked to Harry's car, setting the food in the back before heading to their apartment.

"How long does it take to make pasta?" Harry conversed.

"It depends. With the two of us and with how much we're making, I'd give it about two hours." She nonchalantly said, Harry's eyes widening in shock at the information.

"It really takes that long?" He asked, stunned.

"Jackson and Sean eat a lot." Stella nodded her head.

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