Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Do you have any plans tonight?" Sean asked as he carried Stella's textbooks, the two walking to their cars.

"Nothing that I know of." She answered after a moment of thinking.

"Great. In that case, do you want to grab food together or something?" He asked.

"As long as you're not cooking then sure." She said, addressing the fact that Sean could not cook for the life of him. Every time he tried to make something, he'd either end up burning it or over salting it. He was good with eggs and that was just about it.

"I wouldn't even try." He laughed, reaching Stella's car.

"What time?" She took the textbooks from him, placing them in the passenger seat.

"Say 6:30?" He proposed.

"Sounds good."

"Great! Can't wait." Sean said, kissing Stella's cheek before walking away.

The little gesture made Stella stand by her car in shock, taking in what had just happened. It wasn't like it was the first time that Sean had kissed her. In fact, Sean had been her first kiss. Back in seventh grade a game of spin the bottle solidified that. Stella never thought much about it though. If anything, she thought it was weird and yet somehow right. Sean was like a brother to her in many ways, but he was also her best friend; someone she trusted and felt safe with. She never felt the fireworks with him and even now in this very moment, she still didn't. She wondered if that was a good thing or not. He was warm and safe. That's a good thing, right? She couldn't help but want the fireworks though. She wanted something that felt riskier and a little more unpredictable. She wondered if she'd be able to get there with Sean. Perhaps they just needed more time and she just needed to be more open minded about it all.

After a few seconds, she shook her head and headed back to her place. Once she got home, her phone rang, signaling another caller.

"Hello?" She asked, not bothering to look at the caller ID ahead of time.

"Are you free tonight?" The familiar English voice asked, cutting right to the chase.

"No, I'm a highly requested woman today." She said.

"Well cancel your plans." Harry smiled through the phone.

"I can't do that. It's rude." Stella had a jokingly shocked expression on her face, knowing full well that no one could see her reaction.

"But I have something cool for us to do. Trust me, it's important and will change your life. Cancel your plans and be ready for me to pick you up by 7. See you then, Stells." He told her before hanging up the phone, not giving her the opportunity to argue against him.

Stella then debated on what to do. Cancel with Sean or tell Harry that she was unavailable? Harry had mentioned that it was important and would change her life which seemed a lot riskier to skip out on than her date with Sean that she could easily reschedule. She came to a conclusion after she was done using the restroom and pulled out her phone, dialing the unlucky person's number.

"Hey! What's up?" Sean asked.

"I'm so sorry to do this but would it be okay if we rescheduled? I forgot that Harry and I had already made plans." Stella partially lied.

"Oh, yeah. That's fine. Have fun." He said, disappointment clearly evident in his tone of voice.

"I'm sorry! I'll make it up to you, promise!" Stella tried to make it better.

"Sounds good." Sean shortly said.

"Alright, bye!" Stella said before hanging up and heading to her room.

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