Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Harry went to the studio to try and write a new song because Jeff was bugging him to come up with something. He told Harry that he needed a song by the end of the week, leaving him with three days. When he got there, everyone was already inside waiting for him.

"You got something for us?" Jeff asked as soon as he saw Harry.

"Not yet."

"Well lets get to it." Jeff walked off, annoyed per usual.

About two hours in, they had pretty much nothing. Sammy came up with a little beat but that was all really. Harry was uninspired and had no clue what to write. He wished that he was with Stella because she always seemed to spark inspiration. So, instead of being with her, he decided to think about her and try to add something else to help.

"How soon could we get mushrooms?" Harry blurted out, the conversations around him dying down.

"You want to do shrooms?" Jeff asked, a semi-judgemental look plastered on his face.

"Pretty sure that's what he just said." Mitch rubbed his face, tired and bored out of his mind.

"I know someone." Sammy mentioned.

"Great! Get him here. We're doing them today. Participate if you want to." Harry said, Sammy walking out and calling his guy.

Within forty-five minutes, Sammy's dealer came and delivered the shrooms. Sammy brought them out to the backyard where Harry was with Tom, the two conversing.

"Here they are." Sammy held up the bag in his hands. Jeff then came out along with Mitch who had a bowl of fresh watermelon in his hands.

"Are you sure about this, Harry?" Jeff asked, worried about Harry's wellbeing.

"Yes." Harry shortly said, getting the bag from Sammy.

"How do you even do shrooms?" Tom asked.

"There are different ways but the ones my dealer gave me are in chocolate edibles." Sammy informed the group.

"I like chocolate." Mitch nodded his head.

"Who's participating?" Harry asked.

"I am." Mitch said, walking over to Harry to get some.

"I will." Tom shrugged.

"I'm not going to take any to make sure that you don't all act like fools and injure yourself." Jeff said, being the responsible one out of the group.

"Count me in." Sammy said.

"Bottoms up." Harry joked as he put the magic mushroom chocolate edible in his mouth, chewing it up.

"How long does it take to start affecting you?" Tom asked as he chewed down his portion.

"Depends on each person but normally around thirty minutes." Sammy said, taking a sip of his water.

Harry walked away from the group and went towards the edge, laying down on the grass and basking in the sunlight, soaking it in. Thirty minutes later, Harry was high out of his mind. He was staring up at the clouds and laughing hysterically at nothing. The rest of the group was talking and acting like fools while Jeff was inside, not paying much attention to them other than occasionally glancing out to make sure they were all still in one piece.

"Mitch, put on some music." Harry yelled out.

"I got you, my man!" Mitch yelled back, pulling up some music.

Paul McCartney's song "Ram On" started playing, making Harry get up and dance along to the song, occasionally singing.

"Yes! I love this song!" Harry excitedly said, taking a sip of the frozen margarita he had made earlier. They finished listening to the song before Harry ran to the rest of the group.

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