Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"What's up? Are you kidding me right now, Stella?" Sean angrily asked, pushing past her to enter the apartment.

While he was ready to start a fight, he didn't want to start a scene and be the talk of the apartment complex. That, and he saw that Stella had little clothing on.

"Come in, I guess." Stella mumbled as she closed the door behind her, wrapping her arms around her body in an attempt to guard her body that was naked underneath the robe.

"Yeah, I will. Thanks." Sean sarcastically nodded, a smug look on his flushed out face.

"What is your problem?" She asked, annoyed with his piss poor attitude

"My problem is that we were supposed to carpool to class this morning and you were nowhere to be found despite your car being here. I called and messaged you several times yet no response. I wait all day to hear from you, worried sick, only to see you get out of the Tesla with Harry. What happened to you not communicating with him? What happened to the promise you made me? Do I not matter to you? Is Harry worth risking what we have?" He bombarded her with questions, his words making her flinch with how hotheaded and aggressive he was becoming.

Out of the fourteen years that Stella had known Sean, she'd never seen him like this. Not once. Sean was known for being one of the most sweetest and caring people around. When in sixth grade, his mother's boyfriend left them high and dry after stealing all their money and even then, he wouldn't utter a bad word about him. He said that he was deeply scarred and wished that the money would help him. He only ever spoke bad about one person and that guy really deserved it. The person who she was looking at now was unrecognizable. While he looked like Sean, he didn't sound like him and he sure as hell wasn't acting like him.

"I-" She started to speak but got interrupted.

"What's going on here?" Harry asked as he quickly rushed to the front hallway, sliding a little from the water dripping down his body. You could tell he had just gotten out of the shower from the towel hanging loosely on his hips and he hair being laid down on his forehead, soaking wet.

The sound of yelling concerned him and made him get out. He was worried about Stella and what was going on.

"Oh, I see what's going on here. You slept with him, didn't you?" Sean looked between Harry and Stella, jumping to conclusions by observing how they both were practically naked.

"We didn't have sex." Harry reassured him.

"Shut the fuck up, Harry. You're not in this." Sean barked, not wanting to hear what he had to say.

"Okay, fine but you're not going to stand here and disrespect Stella." Harry said, stepping ever so slightly in front of her in an attempt to defend her honor.

"I'm not disrespecting, Stella. I'm having a conversation with her." He rolled his eyes, the agitation evident on his face.

"It's fine, Harry. I got this." She turned to face him, her eyes giving him the answer he needed. He stepped back and let Stella take the spotlight and allowed her to say what she needed to. "Harry and I went to the studio to record music." She calmly spoke to Sean who didn't deserve her patience nor explanation.

"And yet you didn't bother to tell me? You skipped class for that! This isn't like you, Stella. Your classes mean everything to you and getting your nursing degree is what you've dreamt of for years. What would your mother say if she saw you right now?" He pulled out the dead mother card, trying to guilt her into backing down and apologizing.

Stella stepped back from him and wobbled on her feet as his last question echoed in her head, Harry discreetly stabilizing her by placing his hand against her back. She thought about what Sean had said, his words stinging. He crossed a line and she was well aware of it.

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