E I G H T.

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[ Chapter Eight—karaoke night ]

[ Chapter Eight—karaoke night  ]

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"OHHH!" Bella and I were hanging off of each other, our arms wrapped together as we sang loudly into the microphones.

The entertainment room of the Manor was lit with bright colors, and most of the Cullens sat around on the funky-looking couches. Bella and I stood in front of the large television, the lyrics to Bon Jovi's Living On A Prayer playing along with the beat loudly.

Our fashion sense was extremely similar, both of us choosing to lounge around the house in a flannel with jeans. It was like time had reversed back by fourteen years and Bella and I were once again our own little band of duet singers.

Karaoke always has been and always will be one of my favorite past times, and I made sure that Bella did not forget it either. When I first suggested it, she gave some crap excuse with her natural shy nature, and I immediately shut that down.

Now, we stood singing loudly, our voices a poor imitation of Bon Jovi.

"We're halfway there, WHOA LIVIN' ON A PRAYER!"

Nessie was acting as a backup dancer of sorts, Bella and I remaining glued to the hip. From the corner of my eye, I saw Edward videoing this, a huge grin playing on his lips. Nessie was doing the walking man, the rest of the Cullens laughing and clapping.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing Carlisle and Esme on the other side. The two had been gone all day, both at the hospital. Carlisle was working his normal shift and Esme had chosen to volunteer her time to cheer up the kids in the children's ward.

"OHHH!" I pointed a finger toward Esme who raised her brows at the scene, Carlisle simply tilting his head at Bella as though he could not believe what he was seeing.

Apparently all the Cullens—even Edward and Nessie—never thought they'd see the day that Bella decided to do karaoke.

"Take my hand, we'll make it I swear!" Bella grabbed my hand.

Summer with the Cullens was amazing, they were everything someone could ask for in a family. I never wanted it to end but like all good things, the end was near.

It was Alice who went from bouncing on her toes and cheering to rigid and still, her mouth agape and eyes glassy. Everyone noticed, and in an instant, the fun atmosphere was gone. Jasper was at his wife's side, holding her arms as she clutched onto him as though her life depended on it. Bella put down the microphone, Nessie stopped dancing, and all of us were staring at Alice worriedly.

Alice had only had a few visions since I've been here, but none of them were this dramatic. Turning around, I shut the music off causing the room to become basked with tense silence, all of us waiting nervously for Alice to get out of her vision. Edward stood near, his gaze hardened with focus and I knew he was seeing Alice's vision through her thoughts.

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