S I X T E E N.

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[ Chapter Sixteen—the magnificent werewolf ]

So yeah, all the vamps were kind of just standing there staring at me. Caius and Marcus were standing in front of their thrones, Aro was in front of his wife, and the guards were all watching me as though they did not believe what they were seeing.

The sound of a pounding heart caught my attention causing me to turn and look back to the dying couple.

"Impossible! Heartbeats?" Caius spat, his facial expression that of anger.

I'm telling you, this guy either looked angry or disgusted, there was no in-between.

"Yeah, not for long though," I chuckled just as their hearts gave and out and they were officially deceased, "see dead?" I kicked the male vampire on the shin as though to show that he was really gone.

Caius flashed me a look of disbelief making me give him a condescending smile in response.

"If he was alive, he probably would have attacked me—" I stopped short when Aro suddenly zoomed forward, standing inches away.

I yelped and jumped back, but Aro reached out and grabbed my hand with his own icy one. Somehow, his perfectly silky raven hair stayed just as silky, not even a hair moving out of place. Geez, how much hairspray did this guy use?

Caius let out a growl taking a small step forward while I only narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hey, you tried to kill me last time we were together!" I accused, throwing him my own snarl.

Caius brought his intense gaze to me, his lips upturning ever so slightly as though he were amused.

"No, I left so I did not kill you," the blonde sneered causing me to scowl.

Bringing my gaze back to Aro who was holding my hand, his eyes giving a far-off look. I pursed my lips, looking toward his wife who was also staring at her husband with something akin to worry.

"Does your wife have a name?" I questioned the leader, trying to awkwardly pull my hand away, but Aro's grip was strong.

The vibe I got from Aro was odd. On some level, I really wanted to hate him, but on another—I also could not help but want to bake cookies with him. Weird, I know.

I had not spoken with Marcus at all, but he seemed like a relatively chill guy. Depressed, but chill all the same.

Now, Caius—the hothead who I was stuck with for the rest of eternity, I hated. Plain and simple, he was an asshat and I hated him—he could go fuck himself. Okay, so maybe that was a little much, but I was still sour over our last encounter with each other.

Like not only was he trying to kill me, but he ran away after—he might as well have finished the job. I did not want to live in this hellhole anyway. I was ready to see God... or Lucifer, but wherever I ended up was not important seeing as I was not fucking dead yet.

"My name is Sulpicia," the pretty woman who I now knew as Sulpicia took a slight step forward, her red eyes wide with curiosity.

Caius and Marcus both held out their hands as a clear sign for her to stop and not come any closer. I tilted my head at the interaction, noticing the almost sibling-like bond between the three immediately.

Yeah, they may have been old as hell, but all in all, it was the same.

"Sulpicia," Caius hissed causing her to whip around to face him, "do not go near her, she is dangerous..."

I scoffed at his words, already fuming. He was literally the only person capable of grinding my gears this way. "Okay, whatever," I rolled my eyes, turning to Aro who looked as though he was just now coming back to the present, "have fun?" I pulled my hand away from his as his grip had loosened immensely.

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