Introduction by Farmer Abe

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Cover Art by Zanzex

RWBY reaction FanFictions are quite possibly some of my favorite RWBY fan creations. I've always wanted to do one myself, but I haven't seen enough different types of anime and played enough types of games to pull it off.

Then, one day, while I was playing Devil May Cry 5, a thought came to me: What if I had RWBY react to themselves in the world of DMC? And so, after careful planning and consideration, I have decided to have to finally put this idea on paper.

Now, for fans of the RWBY series, please note: the Devil May Cry alternate reality takes place in the world of Remnant, but the story differs into the Devil May Cry storyline at the Volume 3 Battle of Beacon. Here are some things I wish to clear up before this story is fully completed:

1. Jaune Arc is Dante, and Adam Taurus is Vergil. They are not brothers in this. However, somebody else who is part of the story will be related to Adam.

2. Pyrrha is killed in the Battle of Beacon, but not by Cinder. Instead, she dies shielding Jaune from an exploding  Bullhead. As such, Pyrrha will actually portray Trish instead.

3. As this is still in the world of Remnant, the canonicity has been thrown out the window. This is four years after the Fall of Beacon, and by this point, Jaune  Arc has become the strongest Hunter in Vale, and is in the process of setting up his shop. Certain characters are still alive, and other main characters may not appear.

I hope this clears up any issues people may have with this reaction fanfiction. Now, if you'll excuse me, Ruby is calling from upstairs. Apparently, she wants popcorn.

-Farmer Abe

P.S. I know this is mainly supposed to be Devil May Cry inspired, but I was thinking about doing a side story about Adam Taurus using Metal Gear Rising elements. But honestly, who'd ever want to read that?

I'd want to read that. -Adam Taurus.

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