M-20: Shadows Die Twice

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"I sincerely hope Adam confronts Crimson in this episode," Kali whispered, as the audience settled into their seats, ready to watch the next episode.

"As much as I would love to see that happen, I don't think it'll happen just yet," Ghira shook his head. "Something tells me that Wolf Faunus has one last trick up his sleeve..."

The episode began with Adam exiting an elevator, stepping out into a long white hallway. As he prepared to continue forward, he reached up to his ear to contact someone.

"Pietro, you're sure the server room is up ahead?" the bull Faunus asked.

"It should be, according to the map I've pulled up," the Atlas Scientist responded.

"What should I expect to see?" Adam continued. "If they are VR training those brains, I'm guessing it won't look like your typical IT department."

"Quite right," Pietro nodded. "Most of it will likely be occupied by life-support units. Feeding oxygen and nutrition to the brains they have stored, you know. They would also need a server to feed them the VR date, but in terms of structure, it's really more brain storage and maintenance than a 'server room.' But no doubt it mailers a convenient euphemism for what they are really doing there."

"Ah, like how agents of the Atlas Intelligence Department refer to their organization as 'the Company,'" the bull Faunus hummed.

"Atlasian Intelligence Department?" Qrow grunted, looking at Ironwood suspiciously.

"Yes, or A.I.D., for short," the General nodded. "The idea was that we would 'aid' the other Kingdoms by keeping a close eye on individuals that could potentially danger the peace and safety of Remnant."

"And you didn't tell us about this organization sooner because..?" Qrow continued.

"Qrow, it's an intelligence agency," Winter sighed, rolling her eyes. "I think our spies would appreciate secrecy, wouldn't you?"

"Indeed! Something like that would never arouse the suspicions of rank-and-file staff who may fear it," Pietro stated in response to Adam's question. And I am sure those complicit in this operation feel better not calling it the 'VR training room.' Even something so simple as a name can help one ignore the truth of what they are doing. Truly fascinating, how the human brain works..."

"So this... room, that's where Crimson will be waiting for me," the bull Faunus determined. "If he wants a fight, I wish he'd just get on with it. He didn't seem the type to run and hide."

"Well, he IS in charge of security," the Atlasian Scientist pointed out. "But I suspect this is not about business. If I had to guess I would say he is toying with you. Testing you, perhaps."

"I hate bad guys like that," Sun sighed.

"Tell me about it," Whitley agreed. "I watch a lot of anime when my father's not looking, and those villains that always send all their agents out to fight the heroes get on my nerves after a while. If you're so strong, go fight them yourself!"

"Whatever he's doing, it won't change what's going to happen once I finally catch up with him," Adam growled. He swiftly stormed down the hallway, rapidly approaching a pair of double doors on the opposite end. The bull Faunus shoved the doors open, making his way into a large open room, with marble tiling covering the floor. A large pair of metal doors stood opposite of him. Adam prepared to continue forward, but stopped cold when he noticed a figure standing in front of the door. A familiar figure, a woman in a black armored suit, clutching a double-bladed glaive, with six long black tentacles writhing behind her back.

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