Mission 15: The Gatecrasher

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"Watch out, Watts! Jaune is coming for you!" Ruby stated, as Abe selected the next episode, entitled "The Gatecrasher." Weiss turned to look at their gracious host.

"How much longer do we have to wait until Jaune fights him, anyway?" Abe shrugged.

"Not too long," he assured her. "But it won't be in this episode." He pressed play.

The episode began with Ruby slowly rappelling her way up the side of Ozma's Tower. Her breathing was labored, and sweat could be seen on her forehead. As she continued her tiresome climb upwards, she chuckled to herself.

"It's a tough trek," she admitted. "But it sure beats having to traverse the entirety of the tower." The Huntress momentarily stopped her climb. "Poor Jaune," she shook her head. "He should've tagged along for the ride."

"Little does she know, Jaune's already halfway up the tower," Nora grinned.

The scene then changed to show Jaune, who was making his way towards a door in the far wall of the room his wild motorcycle ride had gotten him last episode. As he stretched out a hand to push the door open, he heard something land on the ground behind him. The Huntsman inhaled deeply, then turned around to find himself glaring at another person in the room. It was a tall, foreboding man with bleach white hair and snowy white skin, with black veins under his eyes. He was dressed in all black, complete with a heavy overcoat. The man coldly regraded Jaune with glowing red eyes, a longsword pointed the Huntsman's chest.

Ozpin set down his coffee mug, and knit his fingers together. The man in the show bared an uncanny resemblance to her, and that was more than enough proof for a Ozpin that this was a dangerous adversary.

"And you are?" Jaune asked. The man in black sneered.

"I am here to kill you," he whispered coolly. "It is the wish of my master." Jaune's eyes narrowed.

"You're not White Fang," the Huntsman assessed. Then he noticed it: a small metal pin on the man's overcoat, with an embroidery of the letter "W" in the center. "Of course," Jaune realized. "You must be one Watts's goons."

"Figures the jerk would have some thugs off his own to boss around," Tai grumbled. "Guess he must've been saving them for when the Ward was broken."

"Indeed," the man nodded. "And now, you die!" With sudden speed, the man rushed forward, his sword thrusting towards Jaune's chest. It was all Jaune could do to roll out of the way, coming up into a kneeling position to thrust one of his feet forward, firing off a shot from Talaria. Unfortunately, the man simply intercepted the projectile with his blade, causing it to ricochet harmlessly into a wall. Then the man flipped into a downwards slash, which Jaune blocked with his Claymore. The Huntsman followed up with an overhead swing, but to his surprise, his sword stopped short of the man's chest, blocked by a strange white light.

"Whoa, What?" Coco demanded. "Where did that come from?"

"Could it be a Semblance?" Blake wondered.

"No," Velvet shook her head, a nervous frown on her face. "That's hard light if I've ever seen it before, and I have."

"That isn't good," Qrow grimaced. "Unless the kid can find the generator, that gu'ys got a virtual impenetrable shield on him."

The man smiled as he smacked Jaune's sword to the side, before swinging his sword upwards, cutting the Huntsman across the chest. His Jaune's flared heavily.

"All that from a single attack?" Glynda asked in surprise.

"He must still be recovering from his fight with Adam," Pyrrha groaned.

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