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"Well, we may as well get this Grimm invasion underway," Pyrrha sighed, not looking forward to watching a bunch of civilians get mangled.

"I don't know if I want to see this," Ruby whimpered, shaking her head.

"It's a hard thing to watch, but we must use it to learn from the mistakes our counterparts make onscreen," Ozpin advised. "That way, we can prevent those events from ever happening to begin with." The lights in the theater began to dim.

"Here we go," Tai grunted, gripping the edge of his seat.

The episode began on the busy streets of Mistral, in the middle of a sunny afternoon. The camera began focusing on the inside of a limousine, where Adam Taurus was currently sitting, his face concealed behind a plain White Fang mask, and his sheathed sword resting across his lap. Across from him sat the elegant Mistralian councilor, Cedar Matthews, and another man with graying hair, who looked to be a personal assistant, or advisor. Next to Adam sat a robed man in a red hood, a pair of fox ears protruding from his head covering.

"I know that man," Ghira realized. "Fennec Albain. He's a representative for the White Fang on Menagerie."

"I guess High Leader Khan must have sent him help protect Cedar Matthews," Adam guessed.

"Knowing the Albains, I'm sure his brother Corsac is close by," Kali pointed out.

"Three years," Cedar mused, staring outside the limousine window, watching some children play a game of soccer in the streets of the city. "We've come so far in just three years."

"The sign of a strong leader, sir," the gray-haired man nodded to the councilman.

"No," Cedar shook his head. "The will of a strong people." There was a moment's pause, as the occupants of the limousine reflected upon the councilman's words. "And one very able advisor," he added, smiling at the gray-haired man, who blushed, embarrassed.

"Thank you, sir," he murmured humbly.

"This Cedar Matthews is a pretty nice guy, honestly," Nora admitted, smiling.

"As nice as one can be, having cheated to win an election," Winter pointed out.

"As though your father wouldn't do the exact same thing," Qrow retorted.

"Why you-"

"No, no," Weiss interrupted her sister. "He's got a point."

As the limousine continued forward, Cedar turned back to the two Faunus sitting across from him.

"I must thank you once again for agreeing to accompany me on this convoy today... Mr. Royal Guard, was it?" he asked, unsure of his answer. From the front seat, Ilia sniggered at the nickname, as the driver, another nodded Faunus with a large, gray fox tail, shook his head distastefully.

"Just doing my job, Mr. Matthews," the bull Faunus dismissed the praise.

"Well, there's Corsac," Ghira commented.

"Mr. Royal Guard?" Yang snickered. "What kind of nickname is that?"

"I've never had someone call me by my Semblance before," Adam muttered thoughtfully.

"I must admit, I used to be opposed to the idea of increasing the size and strength of our military," Cedar admitted in a voice-over, as the scene changed to show policemen armed with automatic weaponry patrolled the streets, and a tank wheeled its way through traffic. "But the Fall of Beacon has forced all of us to open our eyes, and strengthen our Kingdom's defenses, to prevent another Grimm invasion of such an extreme level from happening again." The scene cut back to show Cedar resting his hands on his knees, a wary look on his face. "Of course, the public is still... hesitant about such changes at best. They still haven't completely accepted the White Fang as a legal organization, either."

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