Mission 3: Ozma's Tower

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"Okay, just a fair warning: this episode is where the plot thickens," Abe told his audience. "I apologize to anyone who hates cliffhangers." Some of the audience grumbled, though this went ignored.

"We forgive you, Abe!" Nora grinned. "Now can we start this thing?"

"Yes, please," Pyrrha requested. "I've got to know what happens next!" Abe laughed.

"Of course. Without further ado..." The episode select highlighted Episode 3, entitled "Ozma's Tower." Ozpin's breath hitched. That was a name he hadn't heard in a long, long time. He was intrigued to see the direction Abe took with this story. He eased back into his seat, as their host pushed play.

The episode opened at the top of the giant tower that had risen up from under Beacon Academy. Adam Taurus stood at the edge of the tower, looking down upon the city of Vale. He lifted his masked head as another being approached him. It was the same, well-dressed mustached man from before.

"Watts," Adam muttered his acknowledgment.

"Watts..." Qrow growled. He had heard the name before in his conversations with Winter. "That man's wanted in Atlas. His controversial experiments led to the deaths of three test subjects, as well as his apparent." Most of the audience glared at this revolution. One individual, on the other hand...

"This doesn't make sense," Blake said aloud. "Why would Adam work with Watts? The White Fang has never aspired to associate themselves with human schemes."

"Jaune Arc is on his way," Watts reported, a calm smile on his face. "Soon, we will have half the blood necessary to complete the ritual. And when Ozma's Ward is negated, the Relic of Choice will be mine!"

Ozpin and Glynda's eyes widened. The Relic of Choice was a closely guarded secret in their world. Nobody outside of their small circle should know about it. Qrow, on the other hand, shrugged. This was an alternate reality, after all. It didn't mean things would go down this way in their own world. Besides, he figured the truth would've come out in the open eventually anyway.

"Relic of Choice?" Ruby puzzled. "Where have I heard that before?"

"It's in those old fairy tales mom used to read to us, remember?" Yang reminded her sister. Ruby nodded, smiling.

"Oh yeah! I guess Abe's creative liberties include making magical artifacts from fairy tales into real things in this world." Ozpin and Glynda relaxed at this.

"Sure... fairy tales," Abe said, knowing better.

"I believe you mean the Relic of Choice will be ours," Adam corrected Watts. "Don't forget, I only agreed to this plan of yours because you promised the White Fang would get equal rights for use of this Relic. If it can grant wishes, like you claim-"

"Oh, I don't claim anything. I know," Watts smirked. "I've done my research. All we need now is the blood of two male descendants of the Pretend God Ozma. You fit the bill, one of your ancestors a descendant of one of his sons, and the Arc family does as well. Everything is coming together perfectly."

"I hope it does, for your sake," Adam said coolly. "You're asking my own men to lay down their lives for this, so I expect results." He tilted his head, staring at something behind Watts. "Are you sure she'll be willing to show us the way to the Ward?" The person he was referring to was bound figure laying behind Watts, their arms tied behind their back and a sack over their head. Watts chuckled as he strode over to the person. Pulling them up to a kneeling position, he removed the sack from their head, revealing the face of Glynda Goodwitch.

"Ms. Goodwitch?" Velvet asked in surprise.

"I'm in this too?" Mrs. Goodwitch raised an eyebrow.

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