Mission 5: Of Grimm and Swords

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MISSION 5: Of Grimm and Swords

"So, there's talking swords in this episode?" Ruby asked excitedly. Abe nodded.

"Yep. You'll be seeing them shortly." He moved the remote cursor to episode 5, entitled "Of Grimm and Swords," and pushed play.

The episode started out with a Jaune entering a large, square room on the other side of the door he had opened last episode. A large water fountain sat in the center of them room, with a strange silvery gem hovering in the middle, right above a small obelisk in the center of the fountain. As Jaune approached the water fountain, an inscription on the obelisk caught his attention.

"The way to go forwards is backwards. The Silver Dust is the key," he read. Jaune jumped up onto the edge of the water fountain, then reached out and took the Silver Dust in hand. As soon as he pocketed the strange mineral, peals of hysteric laughter echoed throughout the room.

"That's so creepy!" shuttered Pyrrha.

"Yeah, and isn't that voice Jester's?" Blake pondered.

"Thanks for picking the lock for me, boyo," Jester's high-pitched voice rang down from above. "And welcome to hell!" The water in the fountain drained out, and a foul, black liquid began to pour in instead. "Please, accept my gift. Don't be humble, just take it. After all, we're buddies, aren't we? Hahahahahaha!" Jester's creepy laughter faded away, as five bizarre creatures emerged from the evaporating black liquid. They were human-sized, raptor like beasts with narrow, fanged mouths, barbed tails, and large, red wings.

"Teryx," Weiss seethed.

"I've never seen those types of Grimm before," Yang commented.

"Those creeps are common back in Solitas," Weiss informed her teammate. "They don't have feathers to throw like Nevermore do, but they make up for that with their speed and claws." She looked at the screen. "They're usually much bigger than this."

"I've fought Teryx before, and had no problem," Qrow input. "Glynda has too. They're not too hard to handle if you can use their aggressiveness against them."

Jaune stood his ground as the Teryx took to the sky, letting out saurian-like roars as they circled around the ceiling. Finally, one broke away from the others and zoomed towards Jaune, mouth open to show a set of razor-sharp teeth. Jaune simply ducked under the Grimm and kicked it away, causing it to slam against a wall. As it slowly slid to the ground, the other four Grimm dive-bombed him. Jaune grinned as he drew his Claymore. He sliced one Teryx in half, before blocking a pair of claw swipes and decapitating another. He spun away from a third, before grabbing it by the tail and slamming it into the ground. He then drove his sword through its back, killing it. The fourth Teryx came up from behind, but Jaune quickly whipped out Cerberus and quickly struck it several times in rapid succession, before using the tripartite nunchaku's Dust-infusion to Drive an icicle through the Grimm's brain. By that time, the Teryx that had instigated the attack had recovered, and took to the air. It dived towards a Jaune a second time, but the Huntsman simply whipped out Ebony and Ivory, and tore the Grimm to pieces with several bullets.

"Well, wasn't that nice of him," Jaune remarked, watching the bodies of the Grimm evaporate, before twirling his pistols and holstering them. "To be honest, I'm expecting something a little better than this."

"Dang," Coco gasped, adjusting her sunglasses to look at the screen without them. "He killed them all in less than twenty seconds."

"His skill with weaponry is amazing, for sure," Glynda agreed. "But weapons can only get you so far," she added, looking at Ruby, who laughed awkwardly.

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