Mission 20: Showdown with Horror

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"So now can we finally see what the Grimm World looks like?" Nora demanded, her arms folded across her chest.

"Yes, you can," Abe nodded. "Though I don't see why you're so eager to see what is basically your world's version of Hell."

"What can I say?" Yang shrugged. "We're a curious bunch." The lights began to dim, as the audience settled in.

The episode began with Jaune stepping out of a pillar of hazy red light, finding himself in the center of a dark cave. However, the pink ground beneath his feet squished and sunk with every step, and the gray walls were bloated and twitched, with eerie red liquid running out of several tears spaced throughout them.

"Wait! Is that cave... alive?!" Weiss gasped in realization, her pale face beginning to turn a sickly shade of green.

"It would appear so," Ozpin confirmed, a disgusted grimace on his face.

"Is the entirety of the Grimm World like that?" Ruby wondered, retching at the very idea.

Jaune made his way forwards, his face contorted into a frown, as every footfall resulted in a sickening squelch, viscous blood splashing from the soft pink flesh beneath his feet. At the top of the cave was a hole, and a faint light echoed from within. Grimacing, he began to climb up the side of the cave, watching as puss and blood leaked out of the "rocks" every step of the way. Finally, the Huntsman emerged through the hole, remaining on his hands and knees for a couple seconds to catch his breath, and settle his stomach. Finally regaining his composure, Jaune stood back up.

"GAH!" Standing right in front of the Huntsman was Mundus!

"Oh no!" Pyrrha yelped, covering her mouth.

"He was waiting for Jaune this entire time?!" Ren asked, his face betraying his surprise.

Ebony and Ivory quickly found themselves in Jaune's hands, as he aimed the twin pistols at the King of Grimm. However, Mundus just continued to stand there, a smirk on his face, and his arms spread, as if to welcome the Huntsman. After a few seconds, Ebony and Ivory returned to their holsters.

"Just another statue," Jaune realized. He put a hand on his face. "Well, that scare probably took a few years off my life."

"You're not the only one," Ms. Goodwitch murmured, as she removed her hand from her heart.

Making his way behind the statue, Jaune discovered bone-like protrusions in the shape of a doorway on the far wall. A thin veil of flesh writhed between the bones, and when the he cut the tissue with the Harbinger, it folded upwards. Stepping through the makeshift door, the Huntsman made his way into the next room.

"Whoa," Jaune grunted, as he took in this new environment. Glowing runes covered the entirety of the ceiling, with large pillars of rock connecting the floor to the roof. As he took another step forwards, suddenly, he heard a cry.

"Jaune!" With a start, the Huntsman turned his attention the far wall. Collapsed in front of it, holding herself up with one arm, was Trish. "Jaune! Help me!"

"Trish!" Jaune cried, charging forward to her aid.

"Wait! Don't do it!" Coco suddenly blurted. "It could be a trap!"

"We know that, but I don't think Jaune knows that," Velvet frowned, her ears drooping.

Jaune rushed forwards, but just as he came within six feet of her, the ground began to shake, before a large barrier rose out of the ground, making a large circular arena, trapping the Huntsman. A familiar bubbling noise reached his ears. Turning around, Jaune watched as the familiar amorphous form of the Horror rose up from out of the ground. It shifted into its solidified armored form, its skull face shrieking at the Huntsman.

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