M-04: The Bull and the Bear

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"I hope Adam saves Mr. Matthews," Ruby whispered to Weiss, as the theater began to dim once again. "He seems like such a nice person."

"Ruby, don't forget that he's a fictional character from an alternate universe," the heiress reminded her team leader. "But I hope Adam comes to his rescue as well," she admitted quietly.

The episode began showing the wolf Faunus who had abducted Cedar Matthews running through the streets of Mistral, the councilman still firmly draped over his shoulder. Several Mistralian soldiers pursued the wolf Faunus, their firearms out at the ready, but they didn't dare shoot, for fear of hitting Mr. Matthews. As the wolf Faunus approached an intersection, with an overhanging bridge running over the street, a tank suddenly rounded the corner in front of him, cutting of his escape. Cedar's abductor stopped, a visible frown upon his face, then turned around, watching as the soldiers caught up with him.

"Well, it looks like the military's managed to corner him," Winter smirked.

"Yes, but he still has the councilman as a hostage," Ironwood pointed out. "They can't do anything too rash, or he might hurt Mr. Matthews."

The wolf Faunus's eyes narrowed as he slowly studied the soldiers that surrounded him, guns trained on his chest. Then, his head tilted as a faint rumbling sound filled the air, gradually becoming louder and louder. His mouth parted into a smile as he turned his head to see a train rushing across the bridge above the intersection, carrying several tankers and flatbed cars loaded with cargo. The wolf Faunus bent his knees, and then launched his body into a backflip, sailing high into the air. All of the soldiers were astonished.

"The hell?!" one of them grunted, as the councilman's abductor descended on a stack of shipping containers aboard the train, carrying him and Cedar away from the intersection.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding!" Yang groaned. "Does Mistral even have a train?"

"They do: the Argus Limited," Ozpin sighed. "It transports both passengers and cargo from the Kingdom capital to the port city of Argus."

"And now it's serving as a getaway vehicle for the abductor of a Mistralian politician," Qrow grunted.

As the soldiers stood there helplessly, unsure of what to do, another figure appeared in the distance behind them, running towards the intersection at an alarming rate.

"Dammit," Adam swore, blowing past the soldiers as he rushed towards the bridge, just in time to see the last boxcar roll across the bridge heading into the distant yonder.

"Oh no! He's too late!" Velvet gasped.

"Don't worry, Bun! I'm sure he'll think of something!" Coco assured her teammate.

Thinking quickly, Adam drew his sword and jammed into the ground, forcing his body to quickly spin in an almost-complete circle, before wrenching his blade free as he took off after the train, his Aura rippling around his legs. The bull Faunus panted as he sprinted down the streets of Mistral, keeping as close as he could to the train's rear car.

"No way!" Nora breathed, her mouth agape. "He's keeping up with a train?!"

"Take a look at his legs," Ren informed her, pointing at the screen. "See how his Aura is constantly flashing around them? He's using the power of his soul to enhance the strength of his limbs."

"Impressive," Pyrrha complimented, nodding her head. "It must take a lot of discipline to be able to control your Aura and physically exert yourself."

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