Mission 10: The Job

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Abe selected the next episode, entitled "The Job" and pushed play.

The episode opened to show Adam and Watts making their way down another narrow hallway, Glynda being pushed in front of them.

Cinder raised an eyebrow. Watts was in this story, too? Things should prove very interesting.

"Soon, we will reach the lair of judgement. There, Ozma's Ward will be broken, and we can finally access his magical realm. And the Relic of Choice will finally be in our hands," Watts mused. Then he stopped and looked back again. Adam took notice of this. The Faunus stopped, reaching out a hand to grab Glynda by the shoulder, forcing her to stop as well.

"Does that Huntress really worry you that much?" Watts turned to Adam in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Watts demanded.

"Is it because she's young?" Adam continued. "You helped orchestrate the Fall of Beacon, and yet you can't even kill one little girl?" He looked at Glynda. "Or did you spare the child for hersake?"

"That is none of your- Ack!" Watts sharp rebuttal was cut short as the crimson blade of Wilt was shoved through his chest. Glynda turned her head away.

"Whoa!" Ruby yelped in surprise.

"Damn," Mercury grunted. "That escalated quickly."

"You were one of the most brilliant minds in Atlas. And you certainly did your research when it came to attaining the Relics." Adam shook his head. "Knowing this, I thought you'd be of more use to me, but it seems I was wrong."

"Heh, you think you can destroy the ward by yourself?" Watts laughed. "I'm not so sure. After all, it calls for the blood of two descendants of Ozma. I'm sure they weren't counting on said blood being tainted by animal DNA." He glanced at Adam's horns.

"What a piece of work!" Coco growled.

"Yeah, Faunus are humans, too!" Nora glared.

"Shut up," Adam growled, twisting his sword, causing Watts to gasp in pain. "Now that I'm almost to the ward, I have no use for you." He pulled Wilt out of Watts's chest, and sheathed it. The mustachioed man collapsed a second later. Adam put a hand Glynda's shoulder. "Come on," he whispered to her. "Show me to the Lair of Judgement, and perhaps I'll release you." The two continued on their way, leaving Watts to bleed out on the ground.

"Well, I guess that's it for Watts then," Yang shrugged.

"I was honestly expecting more from him," Weiss said with disappointment.

"Hey look, it's Jaune!" Pyrrha pointed to the screen.

Jaune was currently making his way through a dimly lit hallway. He was making good progress, but then, a high pitched grinding noise was heard. Jaune turned around just in time to see a set of circular blades rising out of the ground, moving towards him at a rapid pace.

"Oh come on, Ozma!" Jaune growled as he started bolting for the opposite end. "That's just not right!"

"I agree," Ruby nodded. "For a legendary noble hero, a trap like that seems needlessly sadistic."

Jaune ran as fast as he could, being forced to leap a couple times as more circular blades rose out of the ground in front of him, before he burst through another door on the opposite end.

"I knew Jaune was going to make it!" Velvet gasped in relief.

"Still didn't keep you from getting nervous though, huh?" Emerald asked. When Velvet looked embarrassed, she waved her hand. "Don't worry about it. I was, too."

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