Chapter 1

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"Arbor! Come on hurry up!" my brother yells from down the street "Caden, come back here now! my chain came loose!" I yell but he continues riding his bike.

I pause to fix the bike " I would not have to ride this stupid broken bike if my mountain bike wasn't stolen" I grumble putting the bike upside down to fix the rusty chain. I look over and see a parot sitting is a tree, my inner artist waking ' can' t wish to draw that when I get home' I think. after finally fixing the loose chain after what felt like an hour though probably just a minute, I get the bike back up.

I get ready to get on, when I see movement in the corner of my eye. I turn expecting my brother, but let down and nervous when I see a black van with no windows driving my way, fast. I hurry to get back on but I accidentally push the bike over, the van already stopping in front of me. now nervous and afraid, I back away, my back hitting the wall of a raised yard.

The door opens and a normal looking guy walks out, not looking worried about the frightened 15 year old girl, though I probably looked calm because I've always had a problem showing emotions, he turns looks down at my bike on the sidewalk then looking up at me " do you need any help?" The man asks, I shake my head, no, he shrugs and turns around, going back into the van I calm a bit backing off the wall, and move towards my bike.

From within the van I hear shuffling and tense again, but still moving towards my bike slowly. All of a suddenly 4 or 5 men in black clothing burst out, their ambush successful, and grab me. I'm frozen in fear.

They pull me into the dark van with ease. I feel a pinch on my neck and I see a needle already empty, I start to feel sleepy, and falling into darkness I hear " I have a good feeling on this one. this one will be a great subject" a voice I recognize as the normally dressed guy says. Then, darkness.

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