Chapter 15

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I wake up to the sound of the door closing, i stretch and stand, i look over at the door, to see kufan walking in. I walk over to the bowls and see that she has already filled them, i finish eating my fruit and look at my wing and my side, ' i wonder if I can fly yet' i think, Im getting kinda annoyed that I have to walk every where, and they look way better than when i followed kufan here.

I stretch my wings a bit and when the pain doesn't arrive i stretch them as far as I can, i smile, happy that I might be able to fly, and give them a little flap, when that doesn't lift me up i give a much harder flap, I fly up with a squawk, if the ceiling was as low as a human one I would have hit it. ' deja vu I've just been in this place before' i sing humorlessly in my head, probably should have not done that.

I give smaller flap and fly over to the window sill, I look out as the light is just shining over the horizon, I leap up in to the air with a cry of joy as the morning song begins, I do loops, twirls and spins in the air as i sing with trills, whistles, and chirps.

When the morning song ends i turn around excitedly, wanting to see how kufan reacted to my song, only for her to not be there, i take a look around and when i do not see her i take a sniff, her scent is strongest by the front door, she must have left before i started flying, or she probably would have wanted to see me fly during the morning song. I sigh dejected that she was not here to see my song and dance, this is probably the first time I have done it alone with no one watching or dancing with me.

I fly over to the circular door, and try to open it, stoping when i hear footsteps on the other side, i move away as the door slides open, revealing a slightly nervous kufan, when the door closes she starts pacing around the living room, she sits down on the couch with her head in her hands, the expression seems to odd and human to be shown on a kamari. " what I'm going to do" she pauses and looks at me " the neighbors have reported your singing that you do every morning to the elders, and they are sending someone to inspect the house, and now that you look  just about healed, i have no reason or proof that I helped you, no vet documents no anything, and either i get the elders to approve you staying with me or I have to release you... If i get caught with you, especially with the law that protects the fire lizards, i could, no will get in really big trouble. it could mean jail time, exile, or even death!"

I'm just a little worried now. But at least she had a good reason to not be here for my morning song? I take flight, flying over to a surprised kufan, and land on her shoulder, " don't worry, I'll be here for you" i whisper into kufan's mind.

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