Chapter 16

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" have you been sentient this entire time?" Kufan says, shocked, " yes" " oh I really never expected this! But I mean it does kinda make sense. Are the other fire lizards like this too?" " Yes"

I can tell that kufan is shocked that I spoke to her but she has tooken it well so far, she has had a lot of questions obviously and I answered them to the best of my knowledge questions like ' why are you only in one park' and
' why do you do the morning song'

" So I'm what attacked What's your name.. if you have one that is.." " oh! Sorry for not introducing myself sooner.. probably should have done that first... my name is Arbor, and what attacked me was a hawk, I think or maybe a eagle? One of the two" " oh a hawk? I didn't know they went after fire lizards?" Kufan says in a quizzical tone
" Oh well not usually they do sometimes go after hatchlings but not full grown dragonets, but this one looked very hungry and already had some burnt feathers, my friend had attacked a hawk a day or two before I was attacked so it might have been the same one" " ok, I'm guessing that you call yourselves dragonets? Would you like me to call you dragonets?" " Yes, we do, and no you dont have to" " I have another question, why or how do fire lizards go after the sicora?"
" Well... I don't really know... All the others have this strong, Really strong, hate and urge to attack..."
" Do you not feel the same?" " Um... No I dont. I don't know why tho, now that I think about it I've never really felt Any hate or anger in this bod- er.. I mean as long as I've been alive.."

Kufan looks at me like she knows that I was not going to say ' as long as I've been alive' but I'm just glad that I did not say ' body' cause I still want to protect all the secrets that come with being a dragonet.

" Oh well that's strange, but now that you mention it you have been the only fire lizard that was approachable, and you do have that fluffy fur on your tail, which makes you look all cute and innocent, by the way"

If I could blush I would at that compliment but hay, can do much in this body!

I freeze when I hear a scratching sound followed by a horrid smell I recognize it instantly, with the help of my blood memories, a sense of fear washes over me, I see kufan tense and stare at the vents as it comes into her hearing range.

With a bang the crawler bursts out of the vent with a screech, it's eight, spider like legs sprawled out mid air as it aims for me, kufan dives out of the way, and I fly up, we both run for her room, as the alien monster darts after us.

We make to her room and she closes the door just in time too, that is proven as the bang if the crawler runs right into the closed door, we both look at each other in shock and fear, not knowing what to do.

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