Chapter 10

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After finishing the morning song, we fly and scatter into the trees. I fly casually and spot the kamari following me, again, she's early this time though. She also has a child, she doesn't have any jewelry, so it's probably her niece.

This grabs my intention, I've always liked children, even though I don't want any. I fly at more of a slow Cruise, I land in a low hanging tree branch, pretending I don't see them, but I think she knows I know they are there as she now has a smile on her face. I dangle my tail off the branch and seeing as how she knows I'm watching her, I turn to face her, I can barely see the nervousness at me actively showing interest in the child, as the kamari are very protective, rip coyotes.

I lean my head down as the child runs up to me, I look at her quizzically before looking down at the child and sniffing her, she grabs my tail, brushing the fur, I let her continue for a little bit before pulling my tail out if her grip, and curling my tail around myself. " Do all the fire lizards have Fur?" The child says " no just this one, she's special, hua" "oh ok! I want to go play plyball in the field aunty kufan!" Exclaimes hua, " ok fine let's go" kufan says sighing, hua runs away, towards the field where the kamari play sometimes and kufan looks back at me before running after her niece.

I'm flying slowly and casually towards the sunburst berry planters and thinking if I really should have let the kamari that close, " sicora! At the edge of the park and city!" I see the few dragonets shaking in rage at the mere name of the shadow beast, but I just didn't feel the same, why am I different? I decide to go see what's happening though I believe it will be a easy fight as the kamari will probably help.
I arrive and watch, as I feel no hate or need to attack towards the monster, and only the need to hide and stay away, I watch as they torch the beast, and get bites to it's back, while still managing to avoid it's long lashing tail and crushing bite, for the most part, until a golden dragonet while retreat ing from it's back after a bite, is hit and sent flying into a tree, I want to go help her but the situation is still risky.

The fight ends and a blue beam of light is shot at the sicora, burning a hole into it's almost dead body, I watch frozen as the kamari approaches the fallen dragonet, Tasha I think her name is, while the others flee, hatchlings in hand, as she shakes in fear and gets picked up, and as the other kamari get rid of the burnt sicora.

Only when they are gone am I unfrozen, at least I know she's in good hands, as the kamari are not like the humans, but I still feel sorry for her, they all feel so much fear towards them. I go through with my original plan and quickly get a sunburst berry and I fly away finally, eating my treat, and decide to go sunbathe to try and ease the stress from the fight, even though I just watched. I find a very empty spot of the stream void of any dragonets, probably due to all the heat waved kamari's around patrolling again. I pick a spot by some bushes off to the side, so I'm not the center of attention, and I spread out my wings, catching the last of the heat from the sun, before heading to the path where my den is, I watch for any kamari passing by, before heading under the bush and ducking into my den.

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