Chapter 14

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Stretching, I get up and out from under the lamp and take a running start to jump up on the couch. Looking out the window it seems to be still night maybe early morning. I sit down and yawn slowly waking up more, taking a look around the room I notice that there is a pair of bowls by the lamp one has water and the other is empty, presumably for fruit.

I jump down realising that my wounds hurt less, I may be able to fly in the next couple of days. I walk over to the water, I feel dirty and for lack of a better water source I use the water to clean my scales, scooping up the water as best as I can and rubbing my wing, side and tail, making sure to not get my fur too wet so it doesn't weigh me down.

Finishing up I shake to get the excess water off, then I walk over to what I remember kufan getting the fruit from, the alien fridge, and as best I can, to try and pry it open. Finally I hear the click and feel the rush of air from the fridge opening, getting in I hop to the bottom shelf and use my back leg to keep the door open, I pull out a container full of fruit, opening it I look at my selection, 'mh oranges, grapes, alien fruit, alien fruit, watermelon, ooo! Strawberries!' I eat the strawberries and oranges while purring in satisfaction at my achievement.

My head jolts up when I hear footsteps I look behind me to see kufan walk into view. " What are you doing! Come on get out, I don't want you eating all the fruit in the fridge!" I put the lid back on the fruit's container with my teeth and apply pressure with my foot to close it with a click, I put it back with a little difficulty, and trot my way back out swerving in between her feet and bolting back to the living room.

" Who knew you were so smart? You opened the fridge, and the container then put it back! You sneaky little lizard!" Exclaims kufan. I snort ' probably should not have shown that much smarts, I do have to protect our secret sentience' I sigh but perk up when I start to feel the starts of the morning song.

I again take a running start and jump up on the couch, and look out the window, seeing the light on the horizon I start whistling, chirping and trilling all the while twirling and jumping on the couch.

When it's all over I sit down on the fluffy surface, only a few moments later I feel the cushion curve under the weight of kufan sitting, I look up, causing me to roll over onto my back, I stare at her thick black hair and take a swing at it with my paw, I thrill at her and she looks down at me chuckling when she sees me on my back with my paw in the air, she reaches down and pets my head, and rubbing my ear Tufts, it feels oddly satisfying, and I purr louder.

I feel like a dog or a cat and less like a human, still sentient and not animalistic but I know that this is not how other dragonets act around kamari. I remember Tasha, I wonder how is she reacting to her situation, I she being treated the same? Oh Tasha! Could I mindlink her?
" Tasha are you there?" But it just bounces back, I sigh I'm probably on the other side of the city.

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