Chapter 2

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I wake up in a comfortable heated container, but it quickly lulls me back to sleep.

When I wake again I feel more squished in the container and the heat more prominent but again I fall into sleep.

I wake suddenly aware that I was kidnapped and even more aware of the blazing heat. I wiggle trying to brake free even trying to use my nails but realise I don't have any, my kidnappers probably cut my long nails, but I unwilling fall back to sleep.

I wake again to the blazing heat and hisses surrounding me, I realise that if I did not get out now I could very well die so I wiggle again, harder this time, and shake my container. I ram my head into the side and I hear a satisfying crack, as a piece of the container falls off, the hisses, that sound more like running a hot pan under cold water, are louder and I stop.

Unable to go to sleep and afraid after the constant hisses im afraid to continue, I hear murmuring out side of the container. Then the hole becomes bigger, afraid that whatever is hissing is trying to get to me I back away. My eyes hurting because of the light flooding in, close. When I open them again the hole bigger, and the hisses louder I realise that my container was smooth and thin like a egg. I look out and see what was picking at my...egg, was a giant person! I squeak in surprise sounding almost like a bird, and i stick my head back in.

Cowering I feel my egg move, I'm calling it an egg because I have come to terms that I am, in fact a bird, until further notice ofcourse, I feel like I'm in the air but not afraid like before I was kidnapped. "Dont let them know your intelligent! Act like a animal!"  Yells a voice in my head as the hisses stop. I'm set down, and peeking my head out I notice that I'm in a glass cage, and in a room on a table I put my hands on the egg trying to get out, when the egg breaks, the hole becoming bigger and me falling out face first, closing my eyes as I hit the ground, I open them again only to see what looks like a green snake dangling in front of my eyes I freak out and screech, but calm down when I realise that snakes don't have Fur. Sitting up it moves back behind me, and I turn to see what it was, making note that my neck is flexible, I look and see that I have a tail! it looks like lizards but green with a bit of fluff at the end, I look down more to see something on my back " wings?" I chirp I manage to spread them out, and see that they are like a bats wing but green I fold them again, and look at my hands to see that they also look like green lizard feet, the rest of me is also green ' what am I? a winged lizard- '  " I'm a DRAGON!" I yell in a series of chirps whistles and thrills.

Upon Tufts of Fur and ScalesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz