Chapter 13

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When I wake up its to sunlight in my eyes, I bolt up and realise that I've missed the morning song and that I'm in kufan's house. I get up and stretch, like a cat only to feel stiffness and numbness around my injured side and wing I bend my head around and sniff curiously at the white, makeshift bandages. My wing is in a cast and the wound on my side has a band-aid like bandage. I'm not very happy that she messed with me while I was asleep but grateful that she's helping me.

My stomach growls and I take a look around and get up, careful not to bump into the lamp above me, I walk over to the hallway and go to the door where kufan's sent is the strongest, I sniff it to make sure it's just her and let out a piercing screech. I put my ear up against the door and hear her fall off the bed, I snicker to myself and scramble to the kitchen doorway, that is visible from her doorway, and sit down, doing my best to look innocent, when kufan bursts out of the room looking around franticly but calming when she sees my innocent little form sitting in the kitchen, " oh! are you hungry? Sorry, I usually sleep in" I chirp in agreement, she walks over to the fridge, opening it I notice
a lot of fruit, " it's probably a good thing though I like eating fruit, yes?"

She pulls out a container with mixed fruit and sets it down on the counter, I do my best impression of a whine expressing that my want for the fruit, " do you want me to pick you up so you can pick out what you like?" I chirp and she bends down and slowly moves down to pick me up nervous of my reaction.

When her arms is close enough I impatiently jump up on her arm and climb my way to the counter, via kamari, " impatient are we now?" ' wow she must be terribly lonely to be talking to a supposably non-sentient lizard,' I think while I bend down to eat all the strawberries and oranges.

After I've had my fill I realise that I can't jump down without hurting myself, I voice my opinion on being on the counter by a chirp fused with a whine, "ok fine I'll get you down" she picks me up by my midsection and slowly puts me down on the floor, I chirp my thanks and run off towards the lamp so I can warm up a bit.

I get and walk over where kufan is now sitting and staring at some sort of electronic reading something, she sighs " you know I would take you to the vet but I would probably get in trouble for having you" I tilt my head in confusion " fire lizards are protected and you can't have one without permission from the elders, you know it really does feel like you are listening" she says.

She pulls me up on to the couch and sets me next to her " why are you so calm? The other fire lizards are nervous around us kamari but you arn't, so why are you different?" She says while petting my tail fur, " maybe it's because of your fur some how? You almost seem like a domestic pet! Even tareens fire lizard, tasha wasn't like this and she's been with him for almost a month!" I jolt my head up in alarm and stare at her in shock.

A month? But I got attacked by the hawk the day after she got taken! I've been gone for a month?

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