Chapter 18

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Slowly I drift back into the waking world, aware but not quite awake, I stay in this state for a few minutes, waking up fully when I sense the sun rising, I get up, stretch, and yawn, then I take a look around, seeing kufan sitting on the couch, starring off into space.

I walk over to the window, and with a wing assisted hop I land on the window sill. Watching the horizon, I jump up with a call that pierces the silence as the sun rises.

Doing flips, twirls, flips, and loops, all while also doing chirps, thrills, and all the other bird like calls this body could produce, in noisy acrobatics that probably is shaking the very foundation of the house.

As the sun rises higher my performance comes to an end. I fly over to the couch where kufan is sitting and watching me.
Landing on the upper part of the couch, which has a name that has somehow escaped my mind, "after that display, which probably has woken half the neighborhood, we probably should take you back to the park, so they don't arrest me, and take you" kufan says with a sigh, " why would they even arrest you? I'm just asking because that other kamari took Tasha from the park and is not in trouble" I say sending my confusion over the mindlink, kufan sighs

" I was diagnosed with a disease that causes me to act oddly, it's a rare one that causes me to act like... It's hard to explain... Just irrationally, like possessive over small things, easy to anger... Thankfully I was treated for it and I don't act like that now, but maybe they think I'm unfit to take care of something or someone"

" Oh... Are you ok, do you need comfort?" I say which is only answered with a shake of the head, I jump down on to the cushion, and roll over on my back, playfully hitting her arm, she looks down at me with a slight smile, " but you are right, I probably should go back to the park, oooo I know how we could transport me!"

A few minutes later I am in a large bag, with small containers of fruit on the top, hiding me from the kamari on the streets, who are walking by, I convinced kufan to pack fruits, because not only are they a cover story to go to the park alone but she said that I can keep some!

We arrive at the park, I can tell because of the smells of the trees, and dragonets, she takes a turn on to what I think is one of the paths, " just let me out when there are no kamari insight" we continue on until she says " there is no one insight arbor" she puts the bag down and I take that as my cue to get out.

Peeking my head out I realise that we are not far from my burrow, " hey kufan do you want to see my burrow before you leave?" I say, looking up at her tall figure, " sure! Where is it?" "This way, follow me, we are actually not too far from it!" I lead her down the main path a bit more and down a separate, smaller one. Stoping at the bush, I turn and let kufan catch up, "please don't tell anyone where it is please?" " I won't, promise. So where is it?" Kufan asks I nod my head over to the bush " here? I thought fire lizards didn't like being near the walking paths!"

"They don't, but I made my burrow here before the path was even here, and it is very difficult to dig, you know because of my... Disability?" I hold up my hand to clarify what I meant " I did not want to ask someone to dig me a new one because then it would feel like it was not mine, and I feel very accomplished that I myself dug this one out" I say, while standing straighter, and tilting my head up slightly, looking quite pleased of myself.


So I probably will be able to post chapters more often because the Coronavirus kinda shut down all the schools... But I still have to do those stupid AMI Packets so I don't know...

Please wish me luck... and lots of toilet paper lol.

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