Chapter Thirty Six

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I'm sorry if there are any typos in this update, I'm editing this chapter whilst fighting sleep 😂🙈

If I hadn't known something was there it would have blended right in, but now Anna had pointed it out to me it was as clear as anything, a small fake door posing against the stone surface of the wall.


Blaine's POV

"It sure is creepy down here" Anna whispered as we crept along the hidden tunnel, making sure we stuck to the shadows so that we had less chance of being seen. Her voice bounced off the stone walls and I had to quietly shhh her so that her voice wouldn't echo back up the tunnel and towards some guards. That would be just our luck.

"Sorry" she whispered, a lot quieter this time so as not to cause her voice to travel.

We continued the walk down the dark tunnel in silence, the only light coming from the odd electric lamp that had been drilled into the stone walls. Unlike the rest of the cave, this corridor was a lot more rough around the edges. The stone had sharp edges where it had most likely been chiseled at to help make the opening wider and the floors were covered in dirt and rocks, obviously this path was not designed to have many visitors.

Where was this thing taking us anyway? I felt like we had been walking for ages and we still hadn't found anything.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" I whispered over her shoulder to her, making sure I kept my voice as low as possible.

"I'm sure. It's not to far now I promise" Anna whispered back to me as we continued to creep through the hallway.

True to her word, a short distance later a scent hit me that made bubbles of nerves appear in my stomach, my brother was here.

"Anna on your left" I whispered as we came to a folk in the road.

"You sure?" She questioned as she surveyed our two options, weighing them up to see which one would be the best way to go.

"One hundred percent" I nodded, having complete faith in my nose and what it was telling me. The nerves that were still brewing in my stomach hadn't disappeared, if anything they had only intensified. I had a million and one questions running around in my brain which only seemed to swirl faster the deeper we got into the cave. What if they didn't recognise me? What if they had turned feral after so long being trapped in these little cages, forced to fight for their lives day in and day out. What if... what if they'd died in one of those fights before I got a chance to get them out?

'Blaine are you alright? I can feel your emotions seeping through the bond they're so strong' Xavier questioned.

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down slightly before replying 'yes we're both fine, Anna found a hidden door in the side of the cave and we're heading down it now to try and find my family. I think this is where they keep them all when the fights are going on because there are a lot of wolf smells down here'.

'You're where?! Why the hell didn't you tell me you'd found something? Tell me where it is and I'll come to you' he demanded through the link.

If I was being completely honest I wasn't sure whether having Xavier here with me would be the best idea. I had no way of knowing how my family would react around me, let alone Anna and then an unknown male smelling like pack, it was probably safest just to leave him out there just in case something were to kick off down here. Besides my dad and brother were fairly hot headed at the best of times, I don't think they'd react particularly well to my mate storming in and trying to keep me from them, that is if they are still the same as when I last saw them.

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