Chapter Forty Five

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"Fight the shift" they screamed again but before I could respond blackness consumed me and I was pulled into sleep.

Xavier's POV

It was so peaceful here... wherever here was.

I felt like I was floating in a lake of blackness surrounded by more blackness. It was the first time I had felt completely at peace with everything that was around me. I didn't have the worry of Blaine leaving me, the grief of losing my family or the paranoia of when the next threat would hit our pack. I felt... free

I sighed as I breathed in a deep breath of air, but froze when the oxygen started to cause a tingling in my lungs and shoulder. It wasn't a nice tingle, like the telling signs of a mate link, but more unpleasant as it continued to spread throughout my body. It was like a small voltage of electricity was being shocked through my system and the more time went on, the more powerful it became.

I flinched away from the feeling, craving the blissful nothingness of the black waters that had previously surrounded me, but the more I fought it the stronger it seemed to get. The fingers of electricity gripped onto my flesh and bones as I felt it tugging me in different directions, screaming in agony as I fort against it.

Just when I was about to blackout, not being able to stand the force of the currents, they suddenly ceased their movement. I could still feel them, rippling away under the surface of my skin, but they were no longer forcing me to go somewhere I didn't want to be. I sighed and sagged in relief, glad that I was able to return to my peaceful nothingness, but when I lay back down to go back to sleep I frowned. The tugging may have stopped but for some reason the sense of calm I had previously had didn't return.

I looked around at the nothingness that surrounded me and frowned as I felt a shift in me, I no longer felt safe here. Before the blackness was like a calming balm to my emotions, soothing me so that I felt nothing, now though it was like a horror movie. I had no idea where I was and no idea what was lurking in the darkness just over my shoulder.

I was craving the electricity pulls again, wanting them to pull me to safely so that I could feel calm again, but they did nothing, just sat under my skin as if waiting to be told what to do.

The outline of a body suddenly started to materialise in front of me and I froze, not knowing where to go or what to do. The body shimmered a light gold colour, forming the only source of light around us, but it did little to light up my surroundings.

Just when I was about to get up from my position on the floor, not knowing where to go but feeling like I needed to go somewhere, the figure sifted and before I could blink, I saw my mum standing in front of me.

She looked as beautiful as I remember, maybe more so, as she started down at me with the constant love and happiness I always saw there. Gone was the blood and tears that always plagued my brain whenever I thought about the last time I saw her and what replaced them was gold and sequins that were scattered all over her dress and skin as she almost glowed in the nonexistent light.

"Mum?" I whispered, unable to believe that she was here right now, in front of me.

She continued to stand there with her hands clasped in front of her, looking down at me as if assessing my every body part. She used to do this a lot when I was a kid, whenever I came home from school or if she'd knew I'd been in some form of scuffle, she'd run her eyes over me to make sure that I wasn't damaged or in pain. I had always complained about it when I was younger, telling her that I was fine and she needed to stop treating me like a child. Now though I craved it, craved the normality of it and the wave of nostalgia that followed.

"Hi Xavier" she whispered as she held her arms out to me with a soft smile on her face.

I sat there for a second, not believing that she was actually in front of me, before scrambling to my feet and engulfing her in a hug.

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