Chapter Forty Two

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"Bye little roguekiller" Benjamin almost sang as he squeezed the trigger, causing a loud bang to echo throughout the stone cave.

But... how was it that I could hear the echo if I was supposed to be dead?

Blaine's POV

'Nooo!' I screamed through the mate link as I heard the gun go off. It was like that was the trigger that gave me another burst of energy. I could feeling the adrenaline surging through my veins as my heart pumped blood around my body at an abnormally high rate.

I turned on my capture with a new sense of purpose, aiming to free myself from the hand holding onto the scruff of my neck. It was a difficult task, the man holding me back was a wolf himself and knew exactly where to stand so that my teeth and claws couldn't make contact with his human skin. He also knew that by twisting the fur that he had in his hand he could force my head to turn in another direction because of the pain it caused me.

I fought through it though, determined to get to my mate. After a few kicks and swipes of my paws, most of them unsuccessful, I finally managed to make contact with his left ankle. He screamed in agony as the bone snapped in two at the blow and I sighed in relief when he released his hold on me, my eyes watering from the pain of my fur being pulled out.

I shook it off though and turned to where I knew Benjamin would be, my mind focused solely on seeking revenge for him taking my Xavier away from me.

What I saw though made me pause in confusion. Xavier was lying on the floor, coughing and cringing in pain as his right hand held onto his shoulder, the gun lying at his feet. The thing that made me pause though was the fact that he was alive.

He was alive!

My mind was so focused on the fact that Xavier hadn't been killed, having been shot in the shoulder and not the chest like Benjamin had originally intended to, I didn't realise what was going on just to the right of me.

Jax had managed to shake his attackers long enough to tackle Benjamin to the ground, resulting in him losing his balance and missing his target. I sighed in relief as I silently thanked him, before running over to Xavier to see the extent of his injury.

Xavier was groaning and hissing in pain by the time I got to him, his body convulsing as a small amount of foamy pink blood trickled out of his mouth and down the side of his cheek. I frowned in confusion as I watched his body sake, his wolf trying to come through, to try and heal him, but unable to due to the bullet still lodged in his skin.

Being shot in the shoulder was bad for us don't get me wrong, there are many arteries and nerves that could get nicked or severed from the bullet entering our body, but it shouldn't cause this type of reaction. He should be bleeding yes but not foaming at the mouth and convulsing uncontrollably.

I tried to talk to him through the bond, asking him what was wrong so that I could somehow help him, but he didn't respond, in too much pain to even try and reply.

I whined as I stared on helplessly, feeling useless as to what I could do for him. I took a step forward and placed my nose near his wound and inhaled deeply, trying to figure out why his skin was starting to bubble and blister. I coughed and flinched backwards as the scent hit the back of my nostrils, the intensity causing me to retch as I felt a burning sensation travel through my head.


This was bad, wolfsbane was poisonous to us. It acted a little bit like acid, burning away at our flesh and killing tissue as it travels through out blood stream. We needed to get him out of here and wash the wound out somehow, if the wolfsbane stayed in there for a long period of time it could do irreversible amounts of damage and sometimes death.

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