Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Fine" the guy finally shrugged as he pointed over to the cage "lets see what you're made of".

Blaine's POV

I always find there is a moment of peace before any fight between two people. I know that sounds odd and a little contradicting but it's true. It's the moment where the to two people involved stand opposite each other, sizing the other one up, to see if they could find any weak spots or vulnerabilities.

I had always found this moment particularly fascinating, watching the two opponents sizing the other up and wondering what was going through their mind. Whether they saw the slight limp I'd seen or wondering if they've seen something that I would have missed.

This was not something that I was feeling right now. The only emotion that was coursing through my veins at this very moment was fear as I watched my mate willingly walk into the cage to fight someone to the death so that we could all go free.

My voice had gone all scratchy from yelling so much and the hands clasped tightly around my biceps, holding me back, were no doubt going to leave finger shaped bruises once he released his hold on me. If he released his hold on me. Every attempt I'd made to escape his grasp had only wound up with me worse off, every time I tried to fight back I'd just have five guys tower over me and remind me why it was in my best interest to remain where I was.

So I stood helplessly as I watched the love of my life get trapped into the cage where a meer half an hour ago my brother had stood and killed a wolf in cold blood for sport.

"Oh boy do we have a treat for you lot tonight!" The announcer suddenly shouted into a microphone, making his voice echo off the stone walls as it came through the speakers. "Tonight we have the one and only... rogue killer with us" he screamed leading everyone else to join in with his enthusiastic holloring.

My eyes stayed fixed on Xavier's as I watched him walk up to the chain link fence and place his hand against the cold metal. His eyes never wavered from mine as I watched a sad smile grace his lips.

'I'm so glad I got to meet you' he told me through the link.

The shouts and cheers from the crowd died away and suddenly all I could hear was the buzz of energy as I focused solely on the link.

'There hasn't been a day gone by where I regret finding you and getting to love you' he continued.

'I love you so much Xavier' I replied as a lone tear escaped my eyelashes 'thank you for teaching me how to love and for making me feel whole. I was lost before I found you, living the life of a lone rogue with no real purpose in life other than surviving and finding my family. You taught me what it was like to live and for that I could never repay you. You mean the world to me and when we get out of here I can't wait to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me'.

I was glad that we were talking through the link because I knew that if I was saying all this out loud there was no doubt that my voice would have shook with all the emotion I was feeling.

'You are the best thing that's ever happened to me' he smiled sadly 'Just promise me that no matter what happens you'll get out of here okay? Even if it means leaving me' Xavier replied in a sad tone before turning away from me to face the entrance where his opponent would be appearing.

I tried to link him back, scrambling for any form of connection I could find so that I could beg him to make sure he came back to me and that I could never leave him but he had cut me off, severed all ties with the link.

"XAVIER!" I tried to get his attention but with the noise of the crowd my voice was quickly drowned out.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen it's time we meet our challenger" the announcer shouted through the mic just as the door connected to the cave wall opened and a dark brown wolf emerged.

The Beta and his mateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon