Chapter Forty

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Just when I was about to jump in, throwing caution to the wind, I felt a presence behind me.

I turned around, ready to attack if I needed to, but froze when I spotted the wolf that was in front of me. My brother had found his way to us.

Xavier's POV

I had been ready to sacrifice myself when I had seen Blaine's dad emerge for the newly opened door. She had been looking for him for so long and she thought so highly of him that I knew I just couldn't bring myself to hurt him.

That was until the announcer had opened his mouth.

Upon learning that he had been involved in the attack that killed my whole family I just saw red. All those years I had been seeking revenge for them I had never truly known whether the rogue I was fighting had been directly involved in the attack or not, I had always just gone on the principal of a rogue is a rogue and needed to be dealt with. Thankfully Blaine had opened my eyes to how prejudice that had been and I had learned that not all rogues were evil, but at the moment that knowledge was tucked into the far corners of my brain.

I had one goal in mind, kill the man who had lent a hand in murdering my family.

It was an evenly matched fight, each of us giving as good as we got, but neither of us let up as we continued our battle in a blind rage.

I wasn't sure what had woken me up from my haze, but suddenly I was all to aware of what I was doing as I pounced on Blaine's dad's back and rolled him over so that I could get to the underside of his belly. My wolf, who had taken control of my body throughout this entire fight, suddenly decided to retract his hold on me slightly so that I had enough sense to pull my claw away at the last second so that I didn't catch my opponents sensitive flesh.

I jumped off his back and looked around, trying to find out what had drawn my attention enough for me to loose focus in the middle of a fight and was instantly surprised at the chaos that was going on around us. How had I not noticed this before?

There were people and wolves running around everywhere, some screaming in terror as they ran away whilst others letting out battle cries as they chased someone down. What the hell happened?

A growl suddenly sounded from behind me and I looked over to find Blaine, standing in the ring, with a wolf towering over her. She didn't show fear when facing off with the wolf, but she didn't exactly seem comfortable in his presence either, and that's when I recognised who he was. He was the wolf who had been involved in the last fight as we'd walked in, the one who had killed his opponent.

I watched on in fear as I saw him crouch slightly, preparing himself to spring into action, and just when I was about to get in between them I clocked movement in the corner of my eye, Blaine's dad.

He ran towards me at full speed, not taking his eyes off of what was going on behind me and just when I was about to tense, readying myself for impact, he sailed over me and knocked over the unknown wolf who had been staring Blaine down. I swiftly spun around and got in between Blaine and her father, wanting to protect her just in case he still wasn't himself.

'It's alright Xavier' Blaine linked me as she nudged me slightly from behind. 'Look into his eyes, they're clear like yours and mine, not frosted over slightly with the absence of his human form. He remembers me' she linked as I suddenly felt a massive crash of relief through the mate link, hers not mine.

Blaine went to take a step around me but I growled a warning at her to say behind me. This man had been in captivity for over two years, being forced to do god knows what to other wolves and that isn't even taking into consideration his past. I didn't trust him at all and I'd be damned if I was going to let him anywhere near my last reason to be happy.

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