Chapter Forty Four

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"If there was anything I could do for him, anything, I would do it, but I just... can't" she cried as she collapsed onto there floor, the fight leaving her body as her tears and guilt consumed her.

Blaine's POV

I stared down at Anna as I watched her curl into a ball in the corner of the room, instantly feeling bad for the hateful words I had just spat at her. She had risked a lot for me, without her not only would I most likely be dead by the hands of her own mate, but I also never would have found my family and gotten my mother and sister back. Not to mention the fact that I never would have managed to get to know Xavier on the level that I did without her forcing us together.

A tear slipped down my cheek but for once it wasn't for Xavier, it was for the person I called a friend who I'd just hurt with my cruel words. I released Xavier's hand and walked over to where Anna was, slightly nervous that she would push me away but knowing I needed to at least try to apologise to her and show her that I regretted my actions.

Hannah looked up from where she sat on the floor, hugging Anna as best she could to try and console her the only way she knew how. Upon seeing me there she scowled up at me, clearly showing that she wasn't happy with what I had just said. Once she saw the look of regret and guilt in my eyes I guess she could tell I was trying to make amends because she got up and sat in the armchair I had previously been sitting in without a word.

With my back against the wall to use as a support, I slowly slid down the wall until I was sitting next to a still sobbing Anna, taking Hannah's place as I awkwardly wrapped my arm around her.

"Anna I'm sorry" I muttered as I stared ahead at the wheels attached to Xavier's bed. "I didn't mean what I said, I just have a lot of emotions running through my head right now and I took them out on you. It was wrong of me and I apologise" I whispered as I continued my stairing contest with the wheel.

"I will forever be in your dealt for what you have done for me and for what you've put on the line for me. You've saved my family, saved me and introduced me to the most amazing mate a person can ask for and all I did was yell at you for not doing more" I sighed as I finally broke my stare with the wheel and looked down at her.

She had calmed down significantly by now, only releasing the odd sniff or hiccup here and there as I continued my apology.

"It's just that with finding out my dad and Daniel may not have survived, feeling an overwhelming amount of guilt because I couldn't save them, as well as knowing Xavier's wolf is there but unable to connect with him or the bond because he's to weak I'm on edge and confused" I sighed.

"You what?" Anna whispered as she lifted her head up from her knees. Her cheeks were streaked with tears and her eyes were all puffy from crying but her eyebrows were drawn into a V, staring confused up at me.

"I'm trying to say I'm sorry Anna" I frowned back at her, had she only now just started listening?

"No I got that, you're forgiven by the way, what did you just say about feeling his wolf but are unable to connect with him?" She asked, a spark of hope back in her eyes.

"Oh umm..." I muttered, confused why she was suddenly so focused on that piece of information when only five seconds ago she was crying her eyes out. I looked up at Hannah for help but she just shrugged and rolled her eyes mouthing the word hormones to me.

I lifted an eyebrow up at that and looked back down at Anna who was still staring up at me with a small smile on her face. Did hormones really make someone this mood swingy, especially this early on in the pregnancy? I always thought the mood swings came on later.

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