Chapter Forty Three

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The last thing I heard was the sound of a wolf crying in pain as it echoed off the cave walls.

Blaine's POV

When I came to I instantly knew something was missing.

We were no longer in the cave, not even in the forest or outside, but back in the pack lands. I looked around me as I tried to figure out where I was, but quickly found out when I recognised the smell of antiseptic. I was in a hospital, lying on a bed and hooked up to multiple different wires and tubes, as they measured my heart rate and pumped a milky looking fluid into my system.

That wasn't what woke me up though, what had stirred me awake was the sudden empty hole I was experiencing deep in my chest. It was as if someone had ripped my heart out and replaced it with a mechanical device. It was doing everything it should be doing, but it felt unnatural somehow, like it wasn't my own.

I frowned as I held my hand against my chest, feeling the beating that confirmed that my heart was in fact there, but still not fully believing it. I stared down at my hand, trying to convince my brain that my heart was still in tact, but as I slowly looked back up and through the window to my left I instantly understood why I was feeling so empty inside.

In the room over from mine, just a sheet of glass and an open blind separating us, was Xavier. He was hooked up to multiple wires and tubes, similar to mine, but he looked so much worse. His cheeks were sunken in and his skin had a sickening grey colour to it that made him look more dead than alive.

I felt my heart rate slowly incline as I took more and more of him in, the heart monitor I was attached to screaming as it hit an unhealthy rate. I ignored it though, unable to peel my eyes away from the man I had promised to love and protect for the rest of my life.

My body suddenly had a mind of it's own and before I could even begin to consider what I was doing I pulled all the needles and wires from my skin which were attaching me to this bed, slowly standing to my feet with the help of my bed rail. The palms of my hands burned as I applied pressure to them, the raw skin blistered and red from the wolfsbane poison I'd got on them.

I took slow and calculated steps towards his room, ignoring the two nurses who had run over to me and tried to get me to sit back down in bed. One look at my gold swirling eyes though and they backed off, knowing not to get in the way of a wolf and her injured mate.

I stepped through the threshold to Xaviers hospital room, nearly collapsed to the floor as a sob escaped my lips, rumbling in my chest as I held both my hands to my face, unable to believe that this was my Xavier. He looked even worse than when I first saw him through the window, he looked almost fragile, like if I touched him his skin would disappear and crack underneath my finger tips.

"Xavier?" I whispered as I came and stood next to him, one hand still covering my mouth whilst the other hovered over his body, not knowing where I could touch him or if I was even allowed to.

"It's okay Blaine, you can touch him" a voice whispered from the corner of the room.

I startled, not realising that someone was in here with me, but relaxed when I saw that it was just Anna. She was slouched in an old armchair in the corner of the room, looking like she hadn't caught a wink of sleep in weeks. Her hair was piled up on top of her head and looked like it could do with a good wash, her eyes were red and puffy and judging by the amount of tissues that sat next to her I could only assume she had been crying all night.

"Anna what...?" I started to ask before trailing off, unable to figure out how to voice the many questions that were running through my mind.

She smiled up at me slightly before gesturing for me to take the seat next to her, probably seeing my legs wobble as they tried to hold me up.

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