Scene 2- Mysterious News

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Scene 2- Mysterious News
Velma- (looks out into the audience breaking the fourth wall) This is usually where our title sequence plays but for copyright purposes we're going to pretend you skipped it with your television remote.

Fred- Wait a second... this isn't Netflix?!? I thought we were getting a reboot with them?

Daphne-There's people out there? Jeepers! We've never solved a mystery before live!

Fred- (looks at Daphne) Don't tell them that, I really want this Netflix deal to go through.

Shaggy- Is that my mom out there? (Waves)

(Fourth wall disappears)

Newspaper boy- I have the Crystal Cove Tribune for you, Daphne!

Daphne- Thank you, I only read the comics in the back of them. I really hope this one has the Archie comic, they kind of remind me of my friends and I.

Velma- Jinkies! Isn't that Kelly Grace on the cover?

Newspaper Boy- Haven't you heard about how she disappeared Friday along with her boyfriend Prince Rain in New York?

(Mrs. Blake comes in)
Mrs. Blake (Daphne's Mom)- Seems to me like she just wants attention. Rich people are so dramatic, plus doesn't she have a movie deal coming up?

Daphne- Yes mom, but don't you think that sounds a little hypocritical considering the fact that you're rich?

Mrs. Blake- I know from experience, that was exactly my point.

Mr.Blake (Daphne's dad)- Your mother is probably right. It's more than likely just promotional to increase box office sales, with her new movie deal.

Mrs. Blake- Correction, I'm ALWAYS right.

Mr.Blake- Aw yes, how could I ever forget.

Scooby- Wait, so she's leaving Broadway?

Velma- Well, if she's still alive, that is.

Shaggy- Zoinks, you're right!

Fred- What a coincidence that we're going to tour that exact Theatre on our class field trip on Friday. Looks like we've got another mystery on our hands!

Daphne- Mystery really does have a way of following us.

Newspaper boy- Isn't this where the cool montage should be playing?

Velma- Absolutely not, we are avoiding a lawsuit!

Scooby- Yeah, keep up!

Mrs. Blake- Daphne, it's getting late. I think you should start packing for your school trip.

Daphne- Could I do it later? I don't want to be rude to our guests!

Fred- Actually it's okay Daphne, I think most of us haven't packed anyways.

Daphne- Okay well I'll see you guys tomorrow then.

*Everyone*- BYE

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