Scene-4 Budweiser Virus

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Scene 4- Budweiser Virus
Location- Central Park

Shaggy- I'm so glad we finally made it.

Velma- especially considering that our uber driver made us walk that last block.

Daphne- Jokes on him he would have gotten free advertisement for uber and so would the car he drives.

Fred- We should go look for Mr Chalamet. When I was on the phone with him on the way over, he said they would be here at the park while we are waiting for our rooms at the hotel to be ready.

Daphne - Isn't that some of them over there?

Alex (the cheerleader)-  Wait were you guys on the bus? ... wait no don't tell me it was the Mystery Van... but it was just lowkey though?

Daphne- No we got permission, but we ended up just getting an's kind of a long story.

Malia(other cheerleader)- So you're telling me that we missed an important basketball  game, and you crackheads showed up like an hour late.

Quinn (other other cheerleader)- Yeah we could have shown our original dance moves off that totally don't look exactly like popular tik tok dances because we actually care about our school and choreographing great dances that show our school spirit!

Katie (other, other, other cheerleader)- This is completely unfair and as it is our senior year we have to hold on to these moments, no matter how insignificant they seem. I mean seriously what if basketball were to just get canceled because of an apocalyptic virus or something, we can't be taking these kinds of chances.

Velma- you mean like the Budweiser virus that started in China and is starting to spread worldwide?

Shaggy- I heard from my sister's friend's cousin's neighbor that there may be a case of it in Crystal Cove.

Theo (other student)- Well hopefully it doesn't affect New York now that we are here.

Mr Chalamet- attention students, unfortunately we have a change of plans for our educational trip. The hotel we were planning on staying at is closing today due to the Budweiser Virus.
(People start talking)

Mr Chalamet- Attention students, please settle down, we have made arrangements at a motel next to the theatre. On the bright side, it's a historic building that many thespians have stayed at throughout the years and besides it could be for the best because now you have some extra pocket money and less walking to do while we're here.

Scooby- What's a thespian?

Shaggy- It's fancy talk for the word actor.

Mr. Chalamet- Alright everyone, we're just going to walk to the motel since the bus left. Let's just hope they didn't run out of toilet paper.

Mrs. Karen- Remember students we have to be up very early tomorrow for the tour of the theatre, so don't stay up late!

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