Scene 9-'Clue'

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Scene 9-  'Clue'
location - Motel room

Shaggy- I think the ghost is finally gone!

Velma- my glasses, I can't see without my glasses!
(Shaggy and Velma both look for the glasses)

Shaggy- Here you go Velma. (hands her the glasses)

Velma- Thanks Shaggy, I guess you could say I really owe you one.

Shaggy- Oh, well , I-

Fred - You know Daphne, every time you try to start an argument or get mad at me on this trip a ghost has literally appeared, so maybe you shouldn't do that anymore.

Daphne- What, you mean all of two times?

Velma- Please don't start.

Scooby- Yeah, what if he's on- to something?

(noises come from the side, they find Kelly Grace and Prince Rain tied up and their mouths gagged)

Daphne- Omg, you have to be joking?

(unties them and helps them out)

Kelly Grace- This is not a joke, we're being held captive here.

Velma- Well, we kind of suspected that maybe this could be possible but we didn't think that the ghost would lead us right to you.

Prince Rain- Honestly you're probably stuck here with us anyways, we were told that we couldn't leave if we wanted to stay alive. Especially now that you know where we are.

Kelly Grace- Pretty drastic considering all Alicia Green wanted was my part, even though she would have gotten it anyways when I moved to LA to start working on my upcoming film.

Prince Rain- Ahem... or come to Carlito island with me..

Kelly Grace-  I don't think either of those things will be an option, if they think that they can just keep us here forever.

Fred- By they you mean, famous Director Charles Taylor and Alicia Green your understudy right?

Kelly Grace- Yes, you know they say that the theatre is haunted and being a part of the company you start to believe in those superstitions, but when you've been in the business long enough you realize people like them, that's what you really need to be afraid of.

Shaggy- Where's your butler? I forgot his name but I read that he went missing like the same night, you guys had and was last seen at the theatre with you guys.

Prince Rain- Really? (gasps*)  Wadsworth is gone?

Kelly Grace- He's the only one who calls him Wadsworth!

Prince Rain- Well I always was a 'Clue' fanatic, his real name is William but since he's on my payroll he's Wadsworth to me. And ohhh my poor Wadsworth where did he go? He must be so lost without me.

Scooby- Looks like we've got another mystery on our hands.

Velma- Hey, isn't it Fred's job when it's time time to say that?

Fred- Yeah it is!

Shaggy- Well actually, it's like still part of the mystery we are already solving but this is like uh.. a mystery inside a mystery that still needs to be solved! Like finding the inner pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, without the frame!

Velma- I get it cause we have no frame of reference since we have a bunch of random clues but not a whole lot pieced together!

Daphne- Good point! Anyways, so do you guys know why you're here?  That would definitely help a lot. I mean, do you really think that it was only a ploy to get your part in the show? Seems very dramatic to me, I mean I know you guys are actresses but that's extremely drastic!

Kelly Grace- I think it might have to do with Alicia Green's jealousy, I mean I knew she wanted to replace me but I didn't think it would go this far! I had suspicions that she was up to no good especially when she started secretly dating him and now they're engaged apparently, that was weird... but now this?!?

Velma- Wait they're engaged?!?

Prince Rain- Yes, I'd imagine they would have kept it private!

Velma- Clearly this is the real reason she's being given the role!

Kelly Grace- And I can imagine it would be good publicity to have me go missing to promote the show!

Shaggy- especially since it's connects to what happens in the play!

Scooby- Very suspicious!

Fred- Yeah, doesn't your character go missing in the theatre because of the ghost? (to Kelly and she nods)

Prince Rain-  Reality is better than fiction, I mean Mark Twain did once say that truth is stranger than fiction, he was definitely on to something which makes sense considering, he must've been one of the most corrupt playwrights in history, right next to our very own Alicia Green.

Velma- Well actually Mark Twain was a novelist, but not the point.

Daphne- Doesn't 'The Phantom of the Opera' have that plot? The whole going missing in the theatre because of a ghost seems eerily familiar.

Kelly Grace- Well actually we have performed that musical at our company before I mean it's a very big deal in the theatre community and because shows of that nature have become so popular our Playwright Alicia Green decided to write an original show about the mystery of our rumoured theatre ghost.

Velma- Wait hold on, Alicia Green is the Playwright?

Kelly Grace- Yes in fact, she even wrote the part that I ended up receiving for herself but ultimately wasn't casted in it because of my work with films they decided on casting a familiar face, since they were taking a risk as it was by using a brand new script.

Shaggy- So that's why she wants your part so bad!

(commotion coming)

Fred- I know what to do you guys need to pretend you are still tied up, quick go back to where you originally were, we'll come back before the show starts don't worry.

Kelly Grace- Quick there's a key that Alicia put in the top drawer, I saw her place it in there with her wallet earlier today.

Scooby- Hurry!
(puts blanket back on them to cover them and retrieves hidden key)

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