Scene 5-Splitting up for clues

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Scene 5- Splitting up for clues
Location- The theatre
News-reporter #1 - The students have just begun arriving here in Phantom Theatre for their annual field trip!

News-reporter #2- The students are so excited to get to see this theatre, but unfortunately will not be watching any performances as Director Charles Taylor is putting his shows on hold amidst Kelly Grace and Prince Rain's disappearance earlier this week.

News-reporter #3- Breaking news, we have just been informed that their butler who was seen here at the theatre with Prince Rain and Kelly Grace according to the Royal family who are very concerned in their humble castle abode back on Carlito island believe that he was with them at the time they most likely disappeared.

Newsreporter #1- We hope to get more information to you soon but in the meantime, we are here in this beautiful theatre and while we are here we'd like to ask you a couple of questions.

News-reporter #2 Director Taylor please tell us more about what you're going to do without our American Royalty Kelly Grace?

News-reporter #3- Do you think you will eventually continue the show without her?

Director Charles Taylor- Well, I believe that she is still out there along with the beloved Prince Rain and his butler. Right now everyone in the production company including myself is devastated by the news but we have hope and we have begun rehearsal again because the show will go on and I have a feeling that she won't miss it, our star never does!
(Moves off stage)

Mr Chalamet- Ladies and Gentlemen, please be respectful to the news team here. I am trusting that you will all behave as I turn it over to Miss Green who was kind enough to give you a tour.

Miss Green- Hi guys, i'm going to show you around today and teach you about the history of this theatre as well as talk to you about some of the shows that are put on, on this very stage.

Jack (student)- (raises hand) Did you know Kelly Grace?

Miss Green-Yes I did actually, I was her understudy, before she went missing. But uh- you know what let's save the questions for the end of the tour, okay?
(Commotion in the group begins and side conversations)
(The gang are distanced from the rest of the crowd)

Shaggy- I picked up a newspaper from the lobby in our motel last night, and this is where Kelly Grace and Prince Rain were last seen!

Velma- Yeah Shaggy, if you had been listening to the news reporters talking just a minute ago you would've heard them just say that.

Shaggy- Oh well, I still heard that clue first.

Miss Green- As you all know, most theaters have a ghost light that is never shut off to please the theatre ghost. This is where our ghost light is (points). We always keep it on.

Josh- Isn't the play that Kelly Grace was in about ghosts?

Miss Green- Yes, I am currently in a show that has a ghost in it. The play revolves around the consequences of what could happen if you don't obey the wishes of the ghost.

Daphne- Freddie, maybe we should go investigate

Miss Green- Come along with me this way everyone. I will show you where we store the costumes and let you guys talk to the costume designers and you can pester them with questions instead. (Says in an annoyed tone)
(walks off with class stage right)

Daphne- I'm sure we can just meet them back here when they finish the tour and they won't even notice we left.

Fred- Alright gang let's split up and look for clues!

Velma-I'll go with Shaggy.

Scooby- And Scooby (says annoyed)
(Velma, shaggy, scooby, exit stage left)

Daphne- Well that just leaves us alone together then Fred.

Fred- Well us and that ghost she was talking about, also everyone out there in the audience.

Daphne- Well since i'm the only one talking to you at the moment. I thought maybe we could discuss Prom. I know it's a month away, but shouldn't we start making reservations and everything.

Fred- I'm having second thoughts

Daphne- About Prom?!? You asked me remember!?!

Fred- I did? .... well it's just that Brovid 19 is becoming a real concern and i'm sure my Dad will cancel Prom anyways since he's the Mayor and all, with all the Budweiser Virus concerns going on anyways. ........

Daphne- Do you see that? (Points to flickering light) Jeepers! Run!
(Ghost comes closer, they run out and get chased, followed by a blackout)

(Velma and Scooby come back onstage with the director)
Director Charles Taylor- The tour group should be over here any minute now. I'm glad I found you guys before you were too lost. You were definitely heading in the wrong direction of the bathrooms.... never ask an intern where to go. Aw, there's Miss Green with the group.

(Miss Green walks in with the rest of the class)
Miss Green- Here is where we have hung the ghost picture and here is famous Director Charlie Taylor.

Patrick- Can I touch the ghost picture?

Miss Green- No.

Director Taylor- I wouldn't if I were you.

Patrick- Why not?

Miss Green- We do not want to disturb the spirit who lives in the theatre.

Patrick- Oh I thought it was a ghost.

Katie- Is it true, famous Director Charles Taylor that Miss Green is Kelly Graces' understudy, so now that she's missing she's going to get her part?

Director Taylor- Well yes, that is in fact what happens when an understudy is needed, but we are hopeful that Kelly Grace is safe and will be returning soon. We are still currently rehearsing and we have been having performances up until Miss Grace's disappearance earlier this week.

Daniel- But didn't Kelly Grace have a movie deal so wouldn't she be moving to Hollywood?

Director Taylor- This feels like an interrogation. Come on class, we're going to go look at the light box and we are going to go learn from the tech crew.

(On the way out miss green makes an

Miss Green- We also wanted to invite you to tonight's dress rehearsal, since you were all very disappointed you couldn't come to a performance.
(All exit stage right)

(Scooby, Velma, and Shaggy alone on the stage)
Scooby- Does that picture look a little crooked to you guys?

Velma- It definitely is positioned very strange, almost like there's something behind it.

Shaggy- I really want to touch it.

Velma- I'm going to text Daphne and see where they are...... turns out I have about ten text messages from her, three missed calls, and six snap videos.

Shaggy- What did she say?

Scooby- That doesn't sound good. Are they okay?

Velma- She said a ghost chased them into a storage room and locked them in there.

(Scooby sniffs the painting and knocks it over)
Scooby- by- Ruh-roh! The ghost picture moved, like... on its own.

Shaggy- Scooby you just found a hidden door!

Velma- Jinkies! We need to try to get it open. They're probably in there!

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