Scene 6- Behind the Painting

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Scene 6-Behind the Painting
Location- The theatre
Daphne- I need you to understand that I am going to Prom because it's my Senior Year. Can't we have fun these last months? I wanted to go with you but I won't try to force you. You said you were sure last time I talked to you about it, so it really hurt my feelings that you changed your mind again because out of everyone here in Crystal Cove you were my first choice because you're probably my best friend and you asked me first.

Fred- Look Daphne, I didn't know that you'd be upset about it. Of course I'll go to Prom with you if we aren't quarantined! I only said anything because I don't want you to get your hopes up about it in case it gets cancelled.

Daphne- Oh Freddie, you should have said that the first time. Of course we can't go if it gets cancelled!..... I'm just glad we're on the same page again.

Velma- (examines lock on door) This lock doesn't look very complicated. I'm going to try to get it open with my bobby pin.

Fred- I can hear them, they are trying to get in!

Daphne- Me too, you must be right because Velma just texted me back!

Fred- We're in here gang!

Scooby- We're coming guys!

Shaggy- Zoinks! Velma, Scoob, behind you it's the GHOST!!!
(Velma gets the door open and they all get chased into the room)

Velma- Guess we're locked in here together. Have you guys managed to find any clues?

Daphne- Well we did find this old playbill, also some costumes and props are in here so we kind of put a few of the pieces together.

Fred- Miss Green who is allegedly Kelly Grace's understudy was casted as the ghost originally.

Daphne- The ghost costume is actually not in here but now we know she fits in it.

Velma- It could be evidence that the ghost could be someone wearing a costume especially since we just saw it.

Daphne -Or it could be a coincidence, I mean she probably won't be playing the part since isn't she getting Kelly Grace's lead part? So they probably need to get those costumes refitted.

Velma - I still think that someone could be wearing that costume and chasing us around. During the small part of the tour I engaged in, she said that they keep the costumes that are needed for quick changes closer to the stage. This must be the place and the ghost could have easily taken that costume from here.

Shaggy- This is like 2016 when people chased kids around dressed in clown costumes, do you remember that?

Fred- This could be a lot like that unfortunately. What if they are responsible for the disappearances?

Scooby- Miss Green is looking like,...very suspicious

Shaggy- Good thing we were invited to the dress rehearsal tonight. We can investigate and whoever or whatever this thing is that's chasing us I think we can catch it.

Fred- I'll set a trap, but I'm going to need everyone's help.

Velma- You got it Fred. Let's take the playbill with us, and a few photos of the costume rack in case it's useful for evidence. I think I can get the door unlocked with my bobby pin from this side too!
(Unlocks the door and they all walk out)

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