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Natsuki woke up in the spare bedroom of Yuri's house feeling oddly empty and detached from this world. She couldn't believe that her and Yuri were dating yet she also couldn't shake off these feelings of sorrow and dismay for her friend Sayori. It was a school day so she got dressed into her uniform and went downstairs to make breakfast. She wished that she could talk to Sayori and explain how much she meant to her but she had a feeling that she was too late. She sighed before getting on with her pancakes.
Yuri came slowly down the stairs and the two of them sat in silence, both gloomy about the prospects of school. They walked in together. Yuri's hand was wrapped tightly around Natsuki. When the bell rang Yuri kissed Natsuki on the cheek before walking away to her English class. Natsuki made her way to art which was with Sayori. Try as she might, Natsuki couldn't think of anything to paint. She wasted half the lesson staring into space before the classroom door burst open and Sayori cane rushing in. Her hair was unbrushed and her eyes were a light pink colour with large bags underneath. She took a seat on the other side of the room before she began to paint. The teacher stepped behind Sayori before seeing what she was painting and grabbing the girl's arm.
Sayori shrugged sadly and as they walked out of the classroom Natsuki got a look at what the girl had been painting, it was a noose. The day passed by in a tearful anxious blur for Natsuki and when she saw Yuri standing outside the club room, she knew that we day hadn't been any better. Yuri seemed to be listening intently to someone. As Natsuki stepped over she realised that it was Monika. It sounded like she was speaking to mc.
When Monika's voice rang out she sounded sincere,"mc, I have something to tell you ". Mc sighed and looked away,"Monika please don't do this ". They heard a pained noise come from Monika's lips,"Please mc, I love you! ", her voice broke slightly,"I know that this isn't real and I know I'm just a character in a game but I love you ". The girls heard footsteps moving towards the door."Im sorry Monika but you're a monster ". Natsuki and Yuri opened the door wide enough to see a single tear fall down Monika's face. The room went black
Mc.chr has been successfully deleted.

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