Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Two weeks had passed and it was finally the day of the homecoming dance. Jason and Alison had not been in each other's throat as often since the day he left her house for the assignment. They seemed to be more civilized to each other. In fact, they've even started to converse in a refined manner. The group handed their assignment task on time with very few bickering sessions between Jason and Alison.

"No, I don't think you should include that in the report." Alison expressed strongly as Corey raised his eyebrows trying to understand their point of discussion.

"It is an important issue that needs to be presented which can affect how people perceive the whole story, so yeah, it needs to be included." Jason rebuffed, Corey nodded and typed the statement in the report.

"No, it isn't. You're so stubborn! We're looking at the bigger picture of the War not just some random soldier's opinion. We're not writing a novel about his life story, he's already got that part covered himself." She repudiated while Corey silently shrugged and nodded in agreement deleting the added statement.

"I learnt from the best and yeah it affected the whole picture and helps us understand from his point of view about the War." He refuted and the argument continued for a good fifteen minutes leaving a muddled Corey scratching his head in annoyance.

"Damn it, so is it included or not?!" Corey finally stated feeling extremely vexed, Shane could only give a perilous look towards Corey, cursing him for resuming their argument after merely settling to leave the disputable context.

During the weekend, Zoe, Layla and Alison went to the mall looking for the perfect gown for the homecoming dance. Zoe and Layla were exhilarated to attend the homecoming dance especially after Shane asked Layla to go to the party with him, while a senior student asked Zoe as well. As much as they were enthusiastic for the dance, they were incensed at Alison who kept declining to attend the dance due to her grandmother's visit. After long justification, they gave up trying to convince Alison and accepted her explanation instead. Talk about the power of influence!

Alison drove a short ten minutes' drive to Zoe's house wanting to surprise her friends intending to help out in any way she could. Knowing Layla would meet at Zoe's place, she pressed the doorbell and was welcomed by a tall boy who shared similar facial features to Zoe at the door.

"Hi, you must be Zoe's brother? I'm Alison." She offered her hand and he took it welcoming her inside the homey house. Although the place was not very spacious, it felt warm with endless frames of pictures of the large family members placed on the tables almost at every corner her eyes could see.

"She's upstairs, second door on the right." He said flatly and went back to the couch watching television. Alison walked to the second floor and knocked on the door.

"Come in Lay!" Zoe yelled and she pushed the door which was already partially opened. There, Zoe was sitting on the floor in front of a full-length wardrobe mirror holding onto an eyeliner.

"Curse this wretched thing! How do you actually use this despicable vile little thing! Oh, Ally! What are you doing here?" She exclaimed wiping her eyes with a cotton bud and dropped it to her side adding to the dozens of cotton buds already lying on the floor.

"I'm here to be your fairy godmother, my dear child." Alison teased and offered to help her frustrated friend whose eyelids has turned red and smudged from the constant drawing and erasing of the liner.

"Let's wipe this with a cleansing wipes first, do you have any?" Her friend pouted and shook her head.

"That's alright, let's just wet the cotton with water and a dab of soap. It works like magic when we're in desperate times like this." Her friend gave the soap, water and cotton just in time as Layla walked into the room to join them.

"Alison! Oh, thank god finally one of us can do make-up!" Layla hugged Alison.

"What the hell happen to your eye Zee?" Layla asked raising one of her eyebrows making her friend more aggravated as Alison let out a titter.

"Close your eyes and stay still." She commanded brushing brown eye shadow over her eye lids, holding the liquid liner and drew on her eyes professionally telling her to wait a minute for the liner to dry up before opening her eyes while Layla watched in awe behind her. Zoe finally opened her eyes showing a symmetrical winged eyeliner on her eyes perfectly.

"My turn! My turn!" Layla insisted pushing Zoe aside from her seat and sat in front of her already closing her eyes. Thus, Alison work her magic on her eyes, adding moderate blushes on her cheeks and applied brown peach lipstick on her thin lips. Layla looked into Alison's sculpted face as she was doing her make-up and studied her face.

"Why don't you use contacts or something, Al? You really are stunning, it's a shame that you cover it behind those thick glasses." She pointed out.

"Sensitive eyes. Now I think it's time you change into your gowns. I'll do more touch ups after you guys change." She ushered the two girls to change. Inspecting both girls, Zoe looked as pretty as she always has been, in a beaded nude halter neck fitted dress that flowed to the floor. The shiny beads sparkle each time she moves. Alison tied Zoe's hair in a French bun which shows off her perfect shoulders, making her look even more alluring.

Layla, on the other hand, looked amazing in a black tube dress that falls just a few inches above her knee. Her edgy medium cut blonde bob is already perfect which highlighted the strikingly high cheekbones. Looking absolutely stunning which was refreshing from her usual appearance.

"Have fun girls!" Alison hugged her two friends made her way back to the car and drove back home. Feeling gratified after helping out with the magic touches on her two friends. Taking a quick shower, she laid herself down on the bed blasting on the headphone thinking of the endless possibilities if her life remained as how it used to be. She was deep in her thoughts when she felt her phone vibrated. Taking out the phone and read the text message.

Thought I'd get a glimpse of that ocean blue eyes you hide behind your glasses again tonight, shame.


What? Is he really texting me or did he send to the wrong number? Really? Was he expecting me at the dance? But he didn't ask me to the dance. He probably texted for the sake of his curiosity, he might even be having a pretty girl in his arms right now, for all I know. Anyway, why should I be bothered this much by a mere text that obviously doesn't mean anything?

And her heart beats so fast feeling somewhat thrilled mixed with confusion, a strange feeling reading the message sent by Jason.

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