Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

"Come on, please! You promised that you'd get us that bear! Leah already got one, now it's my turn to get one too!" Alison whined pointing at the medium sized teddy bear at the counter behind the shooting game booth.

"Damn, it's like taking two bunch of kids here." He vexed, taking out the coupons from his pocket and giving it to the girl behind the carnival booth.

"Oh, we are your sisters. Thank you. Now, I want that teddy. Make sure you hit those pins down!" Alison exclaimed in excitement pointing towards the teddy bear and the pins.

"Technically, she's my sister not by choice. You? I think I've enough taking care of one baby girl." Liam teased.

"How dare you! I know you secretly wished to be related to such an amazing person like me." She responded. Liam scoffed in annoyance but kept his aim and shoot the pins down winning the teddy bear that Alison requested. She thanked him with a hug and quickly grabbed the teddy bear in her arms.

"Oh, oh! Please take a picture of us." Alison handed her phone to Liam who rolled his eyes and took the phone lazily.


"What? I'm not ready. Again, please." Leah whined.

"1, 2, 3." Click. "3, 2, 1." Click. "3, 2, 3." Click. "2, 3, 1." Click.

"Okay, that's enough. Thank you. Now, since you've been so kind bringing us here, we'll treat you a Carl's burger, how about that?" Alison offered her gratitude as he beamed at the mention of his favorite burger place.

"First of all, your mom kind of forced me into this. Secondly, I'm getting an upsized with extra bacon and extra cheese. Along with the waffle fries and a chocolate cookie." He grinned.

"Gosh, why don't you just get the whole damn store." Leah scowled.

The following Monday, Alison reluctantly walked down the hallway towards her locker with her head down. She hoped that as long as she keep her head down, people would just leave her alone, feeling fed up with the problems that kept storming her way.

"Hey Alison." Anna called walking beside her.

"Hey Anna, how've you been?" She asked sincerely as a smile crept on her face looking at Anna.


"Isn't this a sight to see. The junkie who looked as pathetic as always and the freak who still try to cover up the stinking whore inside." Amber retorted with Ivy standing beside her.

"Mind your own business, Amber. I can wear a pajama to school for all I care and it still doesn't concern you." She replied flatly.

"Of course, it doesn't since you're already well known as a slut, whatever you wear, you'll still be known as a whore. How Jason could stand being with you, still baffles me." She mocked.

"Not forgetting how she pushed his sister to the edge yet Liam still-" Ivy instantly kept her mouth shut when Mia shoved her elbow, quite obviously.

"Come on, Ally." Anna pulled her away making her quite shocked that she was able to stand up to the two mean girls.

"Ignore her, Ally. I know you're not like that at all. I don't mind what you wear or how you were, it's how you treat people that defines you." She defended making Alison to be somewhat proud that she was able to say that to her, considering how she first met Anna.

"That's a very wise thing to say, Anna. Thank you." She genuinely smiled as they walked to their classes. Sitting in her class, suddenly something struck her. Ivy just said Liam's name.

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